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wanted Aussie Lightchocholate marble in megapuss (IMS only please.) - Printable Version

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wanted Aussie Lightchocholate marble in megapuss (IMS only please.) - SamanthaPrater Resident - 12-21-2016 09:16 AM

I want a megapuss in this format please ! If anyone has any to give or buy of fof PLEASE IM SAMANTHAPRATER RESIDENT! (IM NOT RESPOND ON FORUM, I TEND TO FORGET.)

҈ 21 days ♥ 11% ☺ 53% ↯ 11% 모☁ 25%
Fur: Australian Mist - Light Chocolate...
Eyes: Genesis Earth (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Odyssey Boo Boo
Whiskers: White (Wavy)
Size: 49 cm (19.3 inch)

it is my dream to have one of these in megapuss format so I may permapet it, it is my favorite breed!

thanks in advance!