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K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Printable Version

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K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - AmythestKitty Resident - 10-07-2016 01:32 AM


I had an idea pop into my head and thought maybe it was a good idea to share it. I noticed that when the Cats are Menageried, no matter how many traits they have etc... you still only get 50 K Dollars thus to reach the requirement you need for the special kitties (like the rainbow tiger cat which is 10k KDs) it takes triple the time.
So maybe at some point you could make the kitties all different values, judging on the traits etc, but i think also that 50 KDs is a great starting point for a value of a kitty.

Thank youuu!

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Minx Diabolito - 10-07-2016 02:08 AM

Thanks for posting this Kitty. It's a great idea to have different amounts for different cats ^.^

Also the amount we get for the menagerie of a cat is pretty out of whack with how much inworld food costs.

It will cost me 425 for a food in cattery. I have to menagerie 8 and a half cats to get this.

If I sold those same 8 and a half cats in SL even for 50 L each it means I get more than 400 L. Food inworld is 170 L per food. I can buy 2 foods inworld and have change left over. I can do the same thing with my cattery dock if I just add the L I got for selling my cats in SL for 50 L each. Again it gives me enough for 2 foods in cattery. Compared to the only one food the same amount of cats would get me if I menageried the cats.

So there is not really a big incentive to use the cattery for the average person who does not have a gazillion cats to menagerie and just wants to buy some food now and then.

This is why we see so many people selling them for 50 L or low prices and reluctant to use menagerie, because they just don't get much for doing it. If the value per menageried kitty was increased a little it would change this and give more incentive to do it and get those cats off the market more. At the same time it would make food bought using menagerie money more similar to inworld price or what I get by putting L into my cattery dock. It makes no sense for anyone to choose to have 1 food when they can have 2 plus change

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Ivy Norsk - 10-07-2016 05:29 AM

KittyCats makes its money as a business selling kibble. The LE Collections no doubt bring in infusions of cash, but the day to day of the business is sustained by selling kibble.
The menagerie dollars is more of a rebate program. KittyCats has to give out food for which they aren't really paid per se. It's an incentive program to keep supply of cats down (which it is not entirely successful at but it's better than nothing.)
By necessity the two amounts are not aligned.

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Shamu077 Resident - 10-07-2016 04:28 PM

Sending any cat or box to the Cattery gives you 20 Lindens which can only be spent on more Kittycats stuff. With such a low rebate, you can sell your cats for $21 each in the open market and come out ahead. This is one reason why there are so many low priced boxes in the market, $50L for a 9T box, that probably cost you at least $150L in kibble/milk to make.

The real incentive to use the Menagerie are the Le Tiger/Le Girafe Megacats. If you send in 350 cats or boxes, you get a Menagerie Megapuss. The open market price for these is around $L15,000 for a box. That works out to a return of about $L42/cat, which is better than the $L20/cat you get if you buy food with the menagerie $K.

Another option is to sell your Menagerie level cats in the open market for $45 each. You still do better than getting a Menagerie special cat and selling it for $L15K.

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Winter Phoenix - 10-09-2016 05:19 PM

50 menagerie bucks doesn't buy you a lot of kibble.

Buying the tigres with it always seemed like a better idea.

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - JC Aferdita - 10-11-2016 04:04 AM

I always firgured the lowly priced cats in the Secondary Markets were set for people who don't have a lot of lindens to toss about but still would want a nicely traited kitty. Or am I believing and trusting in people's humanity and kindness too much?

I am a little worried, if they start to value the different traits, that they would essentially be saying 'these traits are the best' and the market will be flooded with cats with only those traits instead of the diversity we have. How would the different values work?

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Tad Carlucci - 10-11-2016 04:16 AM

My answer, to paraphrase yours? "Badly"

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Aubreygrace Starlight - 10-12-2016 06:09 AM

In other breedables they do this, would always be great for kittycats to do it too based on traits etc, would make it easier to obtain tigers or special cats i guess but also that means everyone having one, there's gotta be some sort of balance so maybe make it worth howmany traits etc but also increase prices? i think they take a while to get because if it didn't everyone would have one but i do agree, it needs to be better, like 50 k$ no matter what cat is kinda eh anyway happy breeding

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Tad Carlucci - 10-12-2016 06:53 AM

So? 50 for most cats, but 100 for a Genesis Coco? Sounds good to me.

Ok: serious ... I could see it working if it were done like the cat of the month .. not all nine traits, but some set. Each month randomly choose 1 to 4 traits and then randomly choose a value for each. Any cat matching that month's selection gets a price bump. That way they're not favoring one trait over another which is unsupportable and will always be 'wrong' according to some.

RE: K Dollars for Menageried KittyCatS - Ivy Norsk - 10-12-2016 09:42 AM

Oooh! Game-ify it.
Still, that's one more thing for HQ to manage instead of leave on autopilot.