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Hallowe'en of Yesteryear! - Printable Version

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Hallowe'en of Yesteryear! - Dellybean North - 10-05-2016 12:50 PM

Available at the Kittys Secret Loft:
(all boxed kitties)

Male FrankenPire
Female Abby Normal
Male ScareCrowS! - Pumpkin Patch
Female Terrible Taunter
Male/Female pair of SuperCats (1 Capt Invincible and the girl is a Boss)

of the Original cats:

Male/Female pair of Hell-O kitties (Abysmal boy and Hawt Stuff girl)
Male/Female pair of Mummy Mias
Male/Female pair of Silly Spook - Scorned
and a boxed Female Monster Mash - Mad Masher

they are set out right by the front windows

RE: Hallowe'en of Yesteryear! - Dellybean North - 10-10-2016 10:15 PM

bumpetybump..... don't like the price? why not make an offer Smile