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Copied cats when sent to the cattery - Printable Version

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Copied cats when sent to the cattery - Alassariah Resident - 09-19-2016 02:51 PM

In the past 12 hours, I have sent two cats to the cattery which seemed to have heavy lag problems. They appear in the cattery, and are also still present on the grid and appear to be fine (no red lettering). When clicked again their menu appears to be good as well. When sent to the cattery again, the copy message finally appeared and I deleted the copies.

Since they are in the cattery where they belong, I did not submit a ticket and only wanted to give a heads up in case anyone else encounters the same issue.

RE: Copied cats when sent to the cattery - Ellen Ireland - 09-19-2016 03:32 PM

I have been noticing that happening more often, also.

RE: Copied cats when sent to the cattery - Tad Carlucci - 09-19-2016 06:52 PM

Most likely it's a problem with network lag, although, at times, it seems to me the KittyCatS web site gets bogged down.

I would expect that, in an hour or so, if the cats show in your Cattery and are also in-world, they would come up with Duplicate Delete Me in red. When they do, check the Cattery one last time, then just delete them.

If, however, the cats do NOT eventually show as duplicates, you might leave them around for KC to examine and submit a support ticket,

RE: Copied cats when sent to the cattery - Alassariah Resident - 09-21-2016 01:46 AM

Tonight it is a chocolate burmilla and she's been left down for nearly 2 hours. I cleared history and cache and relogged. She's still on the grid and showing in my cattery at the same time. This one is getting a support ticket as advised by Tad (thank you) so KC can check it out.