KittyCatS! Community Forum
Grand Opening - Country Cats! Group Gift, Lives, New Traits, Boxed Rainbow Sherbert! - Printable Version

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Grand Opening - Country Cats! Group Gift, Lives, New Traits, Boxed Rainbow Sherbert! - Jag Jetcity - 07-03-2016 09:48 AM

Grand opening of my new Main Store - Country Cats!

Free Group Gift:
[Image: 73f5167945a6a4e00a5c3be34a980c25.png]

Maneki Kitties, Kittycorns, Moo Kitty, Lemon Tart Girl and Galaxy Sun on Live table!

3T- 6T KittyCat Gacha - No Genesis Fur, nice traits, only $150L per pull!

New Traits for Sale!
Galaxy Sun
Dreamy Fold
Chocolate Tipped Whisker
Cream Whisker
Lush Tail
British Shorthair, Cream & White
Burmilla Chocolate Hiders

Boxed Kittycorns and Maneki Dreams! Including Rainbow Sherbert (Boxed)! And baby Megas (boxed)!

Lucky Leopard!

And Lots of Great Kitties with Great Traits!

Also, find Lucky Cat Beds and Not a Dog House!
[Image: d03495cec10399c5ab4668bfdb042fc7.png]
[Image: 0eed3b0b45bd721bddbf5c42c233d9eb.png]

-Jag Jetcity

More boxed cats (including spring collection) can be found at my outlet, "City Kitties":

RE: Grand Opening - Country Cats! Group Gift, Lives, New Traits, Boxed Rainbow Sherbert! - Jag Jetcity - 07-04-2016 09:00 AM

Updated Live Table Cats

RE: Grand Opening - Country Cats! Group Gift, Lives, New Traits, Boxed Rainbow Sherbert! - Jag Jetcity - 07-05-2016 04:49 AM
