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Hud Purchased options - Find cats for sale, Name cats - Printable Version

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Hud Purchased options - Find cats for sale, Name cats - ReddBear Resident - 05-23-2016 09:39 PM

2 Options I would purchase for the Hud if offered.

1) Find cats for sale with traits I am looking for in a nearby area.

2) Name my cats based on traits making them searchable by Clients such as FireStorm search area options where the user can see prices and traits.

I would pay good money for such add ons.


RE: Hud Purchased options - Find cats for sale, Name cats - DasEbilOne Resident - 06-03-2016 01:00 PM

Same here. It is frustrating to search for kittens with a particular trait in markets if they are not named something searchable.