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Hunger goes up to 30% While Sleeping and Keep Sending Hunger Message - Printable Version

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Hunger goes up to 30% While Sleeping and Keep Sending Hunger Message - Inia Soulstar - 01-21-2012 01:06 AM


I noticed when I have increased the number of kitties on my SIM, the hunger % goes up to 30% on some of my kitties and keep sending messages to say they are hunger and need to be fed. It didn't happen this when number of cats are lower than 50 cats. The hunger % only go up to 12-15% when they are sleeping.

Is this normal?

RE: Hunger goes up to 30% While Sleeping and Keep Sending Hunger Message - Nenya Eun - 01-21-2012 01:35 AM

Hello Inia,

This shouldn't happen... Are you sure you have enough food out for all the cats ?

About the hunger message, it is sent every 10% once it has reached 30%, wether the huger grows or drops.

If you have enough food out, I suggest you submit a ticket, so the team can look into it.

Good luck ! Smile


RE: Hunger goes up to 30% While Sleeping and Keep Sending Hunger Message - Inia Soulstar - 01-21-2012 02:31 AM

Yes, I have enough food for the kitties every day. I noticed the hunger % go up when I have over 50 kittes. Thanks for your reply though.