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Rainbow tiger needs a new loving home - Printable Version

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Rainbow tiger needs a new loving home - Alexandrafawn Resident - 03-08-2015 10:49 PM

Hiya I Have Le Tigre - Disco King for sale how needs a loving new home and he's a Perma-Pet he's for sale for 5,500 if you want to make it a little bit cheaper of course we can make a deal TongueBig Grin

Fur: Le Tigre - Disco King
Eyes: Fushia Fushion (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Rainbow Tiger (Shape: Plush)
Size: 184 cm (72.4 inch) - MegaPuss

HeartHeartHeartAngelAngelAngel IM me if you are Interested Alexandrafawn