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Twilight eyes recessiveness - Printable Version

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Twilight eyes recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 02-15-2015 06:17 AM

On Twilight, Saga's chart doesn't show any info yet. This is proof that Twilight is between Blue Ice and Tapestry Royale

[Image: 548bf4096eb5a331c6f6a49740ad6723.png]

That's the dad, Derwan. He has Twilight showing
His mom is Blue Ice and his dad is Tapestry Royale

[Image: 7ef1fb129821a70fb01f0767fed49eae.png]

That's Derwan's daughter. She has Tapestry Royale showing.

So Twilight is the hid of Derwan's mom behind the Blue Ice
With the daughter, Derwan threw his hid which was his father's Tapestry Royale against the daughter's mother's Strawberry Bell.

As there are 40 eyes between Blue Ice and Tapestry Royale, would appreciate it if you all could help narrow it further.

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Aubreygrace Starlight - 07-04-2015 07:37 PM

I got's the ped on them and stats, one has serenity one has twilight both from mom
? ? My first twins! Born 7/4/15

Non Identical Twin:

Fur: Ocicat - Black
Eyes: Twilight (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Twinkle
Tail: Plush
Ears: Pointed Soft Fold
Whiskers: White (Shape: Frazzled)
Size: Normal

Fur: Ocicat - Ebony Silver
Eyes: Serenity (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Flash
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Odyssey Boo Boo
Whiskers: Blonde Streaked (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal
and her brother

and moms

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 07-06-2015 01:56 AM

Wow, cool. And congrats on the twins!

This is very good proof that Twilight is recessive to Serenity which it is behind. You got to love twins.

Saga's charts says this about Serenity:
Serenity is dominant to Ice Crystal and recessive to Crystal Sun -- more info, please.

This narrows Twilight at minimum to between
Crystal Sun and Tapestry Royale (knocking out 9 eyes in the initial spread) Good job, Dreampoetz.

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Aubreygrace Starlight - 07-06-2015 04:58 AM

Thank you Kayla, I have a few more twilights let me look in the pedigrees see if anything can help but most are from the aussie line Smile

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 07-31-2015 04:58 PM

Saga's charts now show

Twilight is dominant to Fancie Indigo Diamond and recessive to Serenity

which means Twilight has been narrowed down some more! Two more eyes in the spread has been knocked out!

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Aubreygrace Starlight - 08-05-2015 07:28 AM

I bred the twins together and this is what I got, it probably doesn't help but I just wanted to show it

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 08-06-2015 12:02 AM

Dreampoetz -- congrats on the twin's baby -- the fancie rose eye looks really pretty on the seal lynx.

Thanks for the chart. It does suggest strongly though that Twilight is dominant to Fancie Rose which would narrow the spread a little more -- Either the Sereneity or the Twilight twin is hiding the Fancie Rose or they both are. If Twilight is hiding the Fancie Rose, that's definite proof, it is dominant to Fancie Rose. But if Twilight has a moe recessive hid and this Fancie Rose baby hides Twilight... if you find out the Twilight hid by breeding it against something more recesive than Fancie Indigo, please let me know -- now I'm curious. No way to know for sure until the Twilight hid is revealed!

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Aubreygrace Starlight - 08-06-2015 02:46 PM

I will split them up after the next baby and see if we can get the twilight hidden to pull <3 thank you for your help

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Reven Rosca - 09-11-2015 02:20 PM

Twilight is dominant to BlueBerry - Please contact me if you need a pedigree link.

[Image: 5258d593515ed7f6f61d6d86d95eb8b7.png]

RE: Twilight eyes recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 09-11-2015 07:02 PM

Thanks Reven for reposting the chart in this Twilight thread.

Reven has narrowed Twilight: now showing between Serenity and Blueberry. it knocks out 15 eyes, good job Reven!)