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I want a...Bali Cream Soft Curl & Black Frazzled BDB! - Printable Version

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I want a...Bali Cream Soft Curl & Black Frazzled BDB! - Vale Kyrie - 09-08-2014 11:10 PM

Looking for a Bali Cream Bigger de Big with the following traits:

Shade: Natural
Ears: Soft Curl
Whiskers: Black (Shape: Frazzled)

As a second choice a Pandie Platinum or White Russian would be great also.

Any age or gender as long as it is BDB!

Thank you for any help.

RE: I want a...Bali Cream Soft Curl & Black Frazzled BDB! - Gloria Marchant - 09-09-2014 06:39 AM

No Bali Cream, but I found 3 BDB in my cattery, here are their pedigrees:
If you're interested, please send me a private message with your offer, thank you Smile