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3 and 4 Trait Newborns - Printable Version

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3 and 4 Trait Newborns - Surrealia Anatine - 08-16-2011 02:41 PM

3 and 4 Trait Newborns

* Seal
* Pink Ice Eyes
* Plush Tail
* Mysterious Ears
(Mother Siamese Seal, Father Siamese Blue with Mocha Eyes, Myst Tail and Myst Ears)

* B&W No2
* Frisky Tail
* Mysterious Ears
* Mysterious Whiskers
(Mother Snowshoe- Lilac, Myst Ears, and Myst Whiskers, Father Snowshoe- Chocolate, Azure Eyes, Myst Ears)

* Seal
* Curious Ears
* White Whiskers
(mother Siamese seal, father- Cream and White Tabby, Forest eyes, Plush tail, curious ears)

* Lilac
* Pink Ice Eyes
* Myst Tail
(Mother Snowshoe-Lilac, BooBoo tail, Father- Snowshoe- Bluepoint, Fire eyes, Myst Tail)

* Cream Tabby
* Pink Ice Eyes
* Myst Tail
(Mother- Snowshoe-Lilac, BooBoo Tail, Father- Snowshoe-Bluepoint, Fire eyes, Myst tail)

Located here:

Or IM Surrealia Anatine