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Tawny Tabby - complete for now! - Printable Version

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Tawny Tabby - complete for now! - TabithaWest Resident - 05-02-2014 11:55 PM

Looking for tawny tabbies, more than one - any gender! The only thing I ask is for canary eye or more recessive, all other traits (or lack thereof) are fine. Low price is a bonus. Smile Reply here or send a message in world if you've got some to unload.

RE: Tawny Tabby - MysticLadyNL Resident - 05-03-2014 12:31 AM


I have these two cats Smile

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Apple (Curious|Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Divine (Curious|Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Guitar)
Size: Toy

Let me know when you are interested in one of the cats Smile

RE: Tawny Tabby - BAUER1611 Resident - 05-03-2014 01:00 AM

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Royal Sapphire (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: 2d28a76a-3432-eb70-abb5-eddbed5e5dab

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Royal Sapphire (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: 08389163-4c3f-417b-b94f-027552e40f09

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Odyssey Bellini (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: 4d440226-38d4-9328-9352-a2df95826721

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Odyssey Bellini (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Twinkle
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Soft Fold
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: 4f384b27-9c8f-89d2-595f-dc46e80161d1

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: 18-carat Gold (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Foxie
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: c20d3d93-d008-32d9-df90-9e3d2b3b0210

? New Born Kitten

Fur: American Shorthair - Tawny Tabby
Eyes: Odyssey Rainbow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Mysterious Odyssey Fold
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Bigger de Big

Version: 1.39
Owner: BAUER1611 Resident
ID: 25946cf3-eb70-86f4-5cfd-4e75681c4648

RE: Tawny Tabby - TabithaWest Resident - 05-03-2014 03:59 AM

Got a few! TY!