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121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Printable Version

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121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Lixy Byron - 12-17-2013 05:19 AM

Hiya, forgot to wake up my partnerized cats, and Gioiayay went OFF because is already 121 days old.

[Image: 11417410685_6fa4994f59_z.jpg]

Noticed that their partnership has not been terminated with the % of Gioia's Love..
so had to give them a break up vitamin for solve the partnership and let him breed with another girl..

Please Smile

if a cat is partnerized and pass the 121 days old (% off) line, would be nice
an automatic end of partnership (as the love end, should end also the partnership)

this don't happen very often to me, i use partnerize them week by week and when are near to 121 days i use to boost or pay attention to their sleeping time, but would be really fair don't have to give them a vitamin, or wait a week for the automatic end of the partnership if this happen.

thank you


RE: 121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Jiminy Kling - 12-19-2013 09:10 AM

Indeed i agree! The partnership should end automatically when they can't breed anymore.

RE: 121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Winter Phoenix - 12-19-2013 09:28 PM



I totally agree with this one.

Once a cat can no longer breed,

the partnership is dead in the water.

Its like having a cat pining away for a mate

that you stuffed in the menagerie machine last week.

Its sad for all kitteh involved,

and for the owner to have to buy drugs on top of it

to end all the misery,

totally sucks.

RE: 121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - anna Acanthus - 12-25-2013 06:56 AM

Support !

This is yet another instance in which we shouldn't have to fork out for that potion.

RE: 121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Kayleigh McMillan - 12-25-2013 09:18 PM

That is such a typical incident why most of the time buying this vita does not result in a satisfying customer experience.
Yes, I support this too.

RE: 121 Days -> Off Love -> Partnership - Crepe Myrtle - 12-26-2013 11:51 AM

Yes, that will be nice if the cat reaches the retiring age, it should automatically break up.