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Siamese Chocolate or Seal with Beach Blue Eyes - Printable Version

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Siamese Chocolate or Seal with Beach Blue Eyes - Cathrine Sapphire - 12-10-2013 12:53 PM

Fur: Siamese - Chocolate or Seal
Eyes: Beach Blue (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small or Big)
Tail: Plushy , Curious, Mysterious
Ears: Mysterious, or Curious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious, or Plush)
Size: 42 cm (16.5 inch)

I already have 1 male and well seems that I am hooked. I have 2 Birman cats at home RL. These are what comes closest to what they look like.

I am looking for cats that remind me of those I have in RL as for the eye colour well I just love that colour on them. Smile

Let me know if you have any female cats that would match, or be close to what I asked for.

Thank you,

Cathrine who loves cats RL and on SL Smile

RE: Siamese Chocolate or Seal with Beach Blue Eyes - Tawnni Tigerpaw - 12-11-2013 05:09 PM

Hi Cathrine Smile

I have a girl siam chocolate with beach blue eyes. Sent you a note inworld.

RE: Siamese Chocolate or Seal with Beach Blue Eyes - Beryl Landar - 12-11-2013 08:09 PM

I also hope to either find or breed a kittycat that looks like my RL cat, Indigo Smile hehe..would be nice.