KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: animation suggestion
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If you want to add to the KittyCatS repertoire of animations: How about kneading? --That push and pull gesture real life cats do on soft surfaces, that looks rather like the cat is performing a massage.
That would be so cute certainly if they pur while they doing it Heart
I like this suggestion badly Smile
It would also be so cool if this came with a sit on lap animation as well.
Cats tend to do that before they decide how they want to lay down on a lap.
Sometimes that is a painful event for the lap owner XD
I love the kneading suggestion! How purrrrrfect! Smile
Make it realistic. The cat starts it randomly and won't stop .. ever .. no matter how many times you Drop it, it hops back to Attach to your Chest and begin kneading, again.
(07-26-2013 06:52 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]Make it realistic. The cat starts it randomly and won't stop .. ever .. no matter how many times you Drop it, it hops back to Attach to your Chest and begin kneading, again.

LOL, so true XD
I love it when a cat is so pre-occopied with kneading it starts to bend sidewards to the point it is almost losing it's balance Smile
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