KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Secondary Public Pedigree Page
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I'd love to have a public pedigree page I could add boxes I have for sale to and have it set up and functional just like the normal private pedigree list. It would be so nice to be able to give someone a url to a page where they could browse boxes you are willing to sell and sort them just like you can in your own pedigree. It would make shopping so much easier. If it's too difficult to work it like marketplace, people could just drop a NC on the seller saying what box they want, or possibly have a message system like we have here in forum.

It would have to be selective and show only the boxes you wanted to show for sale. You could even make a tab for listing live kitties you may have out with a slurl to your inworld shop.

The Marketplace, though I can see a use for it selling boxes, is clunky to search. So if a potential buyer didn't know the name of your Marketplace store, it may be hard to find what they were looking for.

I know this would mean more server resources for KittyCats, but it would be so useful for both buyers and sellers I think.

What do you guys think? Is this feasible at all?
That would be amazing!
I love that idea, it would give a whole new avenue to sell your kitties
Google documents would work as well I think. If you wanna get with me this week I can show you how to make a public document they can sort to a degree. Smile
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