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i love reading about what you all breed and why! it's so magical and interesting!

you are creating little (or big) KittyCatS with such diversity and i really love hearing the stories about why and it's just really great!

thank you for sharing.
Maxwell, those are some very cute projects you and your brother are ending up with. You know it's going well when even the duds are cute! Tongue

Tatiana, I can not WAIT to see your little grumpy cats, be sure to share! Big Grin
I am so excited, my "grumpy" pair's first kitten gave me almost everything i need for my own grumpy cat and it is a TOY as well Big Grin

I'm excited because I got the eyes to go on to the Snowshoe fur right off the bat Big Grin Still a few traits to tweak but I'm happy.
(08-01-2013 07:38 PM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: [ -> ]I am so excited, my "grumpy" pair's first kitten gave me almost everything i need for my own grumpy cat and it is a TOY as well Big Grin

I'm excited because I got the eyes to go on to the Snowshoe fur right off the bat Big Grin Still a few traits to tweak but I'm happy.

Awww's that is so cute I love that you adopted the Snowshoe Chocolate in a project and combined it with these pretty Changing Leaf eyes!
I rarely see this fur on the market anymore either.
Don't be surprised if you get a customer named Kayleigh once you are ready to sell and if you continue to breed this fur ofcourse Smile
It looks so precious the fur eye combination!
(08-01-2013 08:12 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Awww's that is so cute I love that you adopted the Snowshoe Chocolate in a project and combined it with these pretty Changing Leaf eyes!
I rarely see this fur on the market anymore either.
Don't be surprised if you get a customer named Kayleigh once you are ready to sell and if you continue to breed this fur ofcourse Smile
It looks so precious the fur eye combination!

lol, yes I do plan to continue this fur and hopefully keep the eyes with it of course. I agree there aren't many on the market right now so they will be added to my list of rescue furs along with Chat 3 spot 1's and soft folds Big Grin I'll definitely keep you guys posted for those interested.
Skippy and I have been working on several projects together. Today Skippy got a perfect Goblin cat and we believe it to have homogenous genes. It's a Russian Black with vampire ears and Lucky Clover eyes ... and it's a prince as well.

[Image: 9418846499_39a8339418_c.jpg]

We decided to call it "The Goblin Prince." Thank you to Skippy for passing him to me. I hope I can birth a Royal kitten so that I can return the favour. Smile
(08-01-2013 09:53 PM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: [ -> ]lol, yes I do plan to continue this fur and hopefully keep the eyes with it of course. I agree there aren't many on the market right now so they will be added to my list of rescue furs along with Chat 3 spot 1's and soft folds Big Grin I'll definitely keep you guys posted for those interested.

I do exactly the same thing Smile
I managed to "rescue" the 3 spot 1 and my Valentine Love Bee hid the foldies and when I uncovered that I heard the news they were retired.
So I handled those foldies with extra care.
I'm on the fence for the Silver & White Tabby as well.
I searched for those on several markets and they are so rare now I could barely find one.
I bet a lot of those older furs are now currency for Mega Tigers XD
(06-18-2013 06:06 AM)Easnadh Swansong Wrote: [ -> ]For now my breeding project is to discover as many of my RFL kitty's hidden traits. I have her paired with a boy who has a retired fur, so it will hopefully help in figuring out which fur belongs to who. Big Grin

So far I have been able to discover she is hiding Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 2 fur, Changing Leaf eyes, and 2 Tone Black & White whiskers. A few other of her hidden traits are still yet to be verified and/or discovered. A few of her offsprings have shown the following traits that happen to be the same shown traits of the father, and they are: Boo Boo tail, Mysterious ears and shaped whiskers. I'm just waiting for male and female offsprings to be born that I can pair up for further investigation. But so far no luck in that department. Smile
Oh, now this is yet another fun thread to read and ponder! I loved seeing the photos (soon, I will take the time to figure out how to post photos here), and loved reading about everyone's projects and how they are progressing.

Got me to thinking about the retired furs, eye colors, and other traits, so I went back (waaaaaayyyy back) on my pedigree page and took inventory. For most of the retired traits, I have at least one boxed female and one boxed male. I was sad, however, to realize that I had only one 774-day-old female Silver&White Tabby - and NO boxes, and only one perma-petted male Chateau Silver&White.

The Chateau was never partnered, so there's no chance of any hidden offspring somewhere in the dark recesses of my inventory. (I do love this fur; my current 17-year-old RL cat is close to this... I may eventually have to go on a search for a pair to try to breed..........)

The encouraging (and challenging!) discovery, though, is that I was able to find some descendants of the Silver&White Tabby! Though they do not SHOW her fur, they may still have it as a hidden! I think I will take this on as a project for the fall - to see if I can start a new line of this retired fur when I only have a couple of kitten boxes who are possibly hiding the fur!

All of this hunting and backtracking makes me truly appreciate KittyCatS' providing us with the Pedigree Site, and Saga Felix for taking the initiative to begin the dominant/recessive charts. (I certainly had to go back and check the fur orders, because I had no clue as which whether the Snowshoe Chocolate box could possibly be hiding the Silver/White Tabby fur --- and yes, yes, YES, it can!)

As for current projects... for the summer, my cattery population has been drastically whittled down to less than 50 due to time constraints. There are two smallish projects and one larger project.

Project 1 - Figure out what my Mega White Tiger is hiding! She's beautiful, but she's being stubborn. All she's revealed thus far is that she's hiding OdySublime eyes (and I was so hoping for Green Quartz eyes!).

Project 2 - Bengal Copper with large-pupil mysterious Crystal Spring eyes; Wild Tiger ears; Tiger Curl tail; Blonde-Streaked whiskers.... with the ultimate goal of breeding, breeding, breeding until the cat gods toss this cat to me in Mega size! ; ) Progress is definitely being made in the area of traits! I have the fur and eyes, a couple with the whiskers ... and the tail and ears are hidden.

Project 3 - (In preparation for future breeding projects) Foxie Salt&Pepper with as many of the most recessive traits as I can get on this fur! Before we know it, the Halloween cats will be out... then the holiday cats... all with NEW traits we want to uncover! Autumn/Winter breeding mania will strike again, and THIS time, I hope to be prepared with my 'arsenal' of recessive-traited Salt&Peppers!


(06-12-2013 09:03 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]My breeding projects goes over multiple retired furs and traits and preserving them.

Kay, thanks again for your inspiration. Your post is what prompted me to poke around in my inventory to see just what retired traits I've saved. Consequently, I've set myself a project for the fall... to try to breed a line of Silver/White Tabbies from the one or two offspring boxes I have that are hiding that fur (I hope!). I think it will both challenging and fun!
(08-03-2013 12:47 PM)CatSoleil Bellecoeur Wrote: [ -> ]
Kay, thanks again for your inspiration. Your post is what prompted me to poke around in my inventory to see just what retired traits I've saved. Consequently, I've set myself a project for the fall... to try to breed a line of Silver/White Tabbies from the one or two offspring boxes I have that are hiding that fur (I hope!). I think it will both challenging and fun!

Oh wow how cool!
I'm glad others try to save genes as well Smile
I certainly want to obtain a Silver & White from you when you are ready to sell and are able to get the Silver & White Tabby from your kitties.
I really can't find any on the markets I even visited markets where I usually do not shop.
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