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Full Version: The Secret Lives of KittyCatS
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Pages: 1 2
(05-31-2013 06:59 AM)Nino Heartsdale Wrote: [ -> ]
It's a complex game of kitty-subversion involving double agents, double crossing each other.

Yours sincerely,
N. Heartsdale
Head of Intelligence at the Heartsdale Cattery
(MI5.5 Division)

~Uses gravel voice like Perry White at the Daily Planet~

"Nice choice of font for that dossier style.

You're a class act Heartsdale.

I LOVE IT!!!! Smile refrains from all other comments!

Meanwhile back at Heartsdale HQ...

[Image: 8921725130_78c12a0c32_c.jpg]

"Now listen up chaps.... I mean kitties.
As Head of MI5.5, I am declaring an immediate detente.
Effective immediately, all subterfuge and hostilities will cease until further notice.
Our Moscow branch are under imminent threat of neural neutralizers.
We plan to launch operation 9Lives post-haste.
Thank you for your attention.
Meeting adjourned."

[Image: 8921117125_00aeaf61ae_c.jpg]
Pages: 1 2
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