05-20-2013, 09:39 PM
Wednesday 6pm @ Too Adorable with Nika!
Raffle already running and we have a Genesis Diamond III with BLUSH shade +4
?? In the awesome line up ??
Aby Ruddy LATTE Mysterious Whiskers +4
Silver Tabby LATTE Plush Whiskers +3
PETITE 9T Foxie Auburn DDF
Bengal Sorell PRISMATIC +4
MEGAPUSS Silver Tabby Mint Julep +5
Bali Lilac Starry Baby Blues + 5
Foxie Blondie Apple +3
Ocicat Blue Tapestry Royale +3
Russian Black Illume 2 Tone +3
Russian Black Fancie Purple Diamond +3
Raffle already running and we have a Genesis Diamond III with BLUSH shade +4
?? In the awesome line up ??
Aby Ruddy LATTE Mysterious Whiskers +4
Silver Tabby LATTE Plush Whiskers +3
PETITE 9T Foxie Auburn DDF
Bengal Sorell PRISMATIC +4
MEGAPUSS Silver Tabby Mint Julep +5
Bali Lilac Starry Baby Blues + 5
Foxie Blondie Apple +3
Ocicat Blue Tapestry Royale +3
Russian Black Illume 2 Tone +3
Russian Black Fancie Purple Diamond +3