Before I begin; I admit I haven't gotten into these breedables yet. I want to, but I'm not about to start without asking for a feature: I'd like to see the cats walk beside me if attached to the Avatar Center.
In other words; when attached, they sit, wander, clean, otherwise behave like a cat would. When you walk around in world, they start to animate as if walking beside you. That way there's no fuss when you teleport with them, or AOs break them and make them hold on for dear life to your arm or look like you glued them to your chest when you walk around.
The Krafties started this, and I pointed it out to the Fennux as well and now they do it. I'd like to see the Kitties do this as well.
Another feature: Which is actually a breed I'd like to see- Sphynxes.
Thanks for your time!
Ohhhhh I would love that aw well!, what fun that would be

Having the cats with us on TP and doing their cat thing is a long term wish from some of our community members as well and from me certainly!
That would be so amazing, I think implementing that would bring KittyCatS to the next level of epic-ness!
And to all of the potential nay-sayers who think that a kitty following you isn't 'realistic': I've had several cats in my life, all which followed me loyally from place to place and in an extremely dog-like manner, your pet doesn't have to be a dog for them to wish to follow you and to always know of your whereabouts. Once you've bonded to your kitty, it's not atypical for them to be your eternal loving shadow.
Yes to sphynxes! That'd be so cool to have such diversity in KittyCatS breeds with implementation of the sphynx, especially given its rise to popularity in recent years and how it's dubbed the smartest of all the cat breeds by several sources like Animal Planet. I so encourage this and hope to one day see the discovery of the first Sphynx fur.
There are two ways to implement this. The examples in the LSL Wiki tend to implement "followers". Or you can use animations for attachments.
Followers seem more realistic since they walk, on their own, on the available surfaces. Forget that KittyCatS' movement has traditionally had problems interacting with the Physics engine. The scripting for "followers", especially following the public examples, is generally poorly done and highly laggy. In addition, followers cannot cross sim boundaries and cannot teleport.
Attachments avoid most of the issues and teleport with the avatar. But a simplistic implementation would have them "orbiting" rather than naturally walking. If one wants the attachment to actually follow behind the avatar, you must program the "walk surface detection" yourself. And that is NOT trivial!
So, while the feature might be nice, I would suggest it would be a long time coming, if ever, because of the technical issues involved with getting it to "work right".
Thank you for explaining that Tad that makes sense.
I love how fluently our Mega's follow the terrain I would not like to miss that

I have seen attached pets from the competition and this looks not realistic or neat at all.