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Full Version: Saturday 3PM Auction With RagdollSessan @ Vygg
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Saturday 3PM Auction With RagdollSessan @ Vygg
Panels available!

1. ? 6T Foxie - Blondie
2. ? 6T Aby Fawn Morning Dew Teacup
A. ? 6+3T Foxie - Auburn Megapuss
3. ? 9T Ocicat - Ebony Silver
4. ? 4T Maine Coon - Plush Calico Washed hides 8T
B. ? 4T Maine Coon - Plush Calico hides 9T
C. ? 8T Chateau Cat B&W Oceania Bigger de Big
7. ? 7T Chateau Cat Cream & White Fancie Blue Toy
8. ? 4T+5 Bali Lilac Mercury Illume Big Boo Boo, ? 4T+3 Bali Seal Mercury Frisky
D. ? 6T Oci Ebony Silver TOY
9. ? 5T Bengal - Tawny
10. ? 7T Bengal - Tawny
11. ? 7T+2 Foxie - Auburn
and much more...
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