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Full Version: HUGE HUGE HOOGEEE Cat sale! So many BOXES! :O
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As some of you may have heard, I have been hit with a financial snaffu by school
-__-; As such I'm left scrambling financially and am selling 98% of my cats. My loss is your gain.

Close to 400 boxed kittens of various traits - including retired and recessive traits.

BOXED SPECIALS INCLUDING - Le Tigre Bengal, Love Letters, Love Leopards, Delectable Darlings, FrankenKittys, Mummy Mias (including the rare ones), and Skelecats.

Live Collectibles - Mummy Mia, 2012 Christmas Specials, Love Leopards, C88 Baroque, Team KittyCats and Christmas 2011 Specials. Some still within breeding age, some already permapetted and some just waiting for a permapet.

There are also KittyCatS Collars and A BULK buy of Portable Foods for super cheep!

Open to reasonable offers including bulk buying discounts! Don't hesitate to IM me!

Happy shopping!

Last few days the boxes will be out for you to choose from. While I'm moving all cats will be sorted by fur into random venders! Come get the kitty you want while you can! <--- Cats are here
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