I just noticed today when viewing the birthday cats in pedigree or cattery tab they show their birthday traits. But if you click on them or their offspring to see the pedigree view, they show starter traits. Does this mean special cats have 2 traits hidden? Both my cats have a plush tail but passed a genesis tail to the OS.
No they have costume traits which really mean nothing beyond the visual. Then they have shown traits which are their genesis traits and then their hidden traits which you can only find through breeding them.
Ok thanks. That explains it, and also explains the tail. So clicking on the inworld shows the costume but the pedigree will show the starter traits.
(03-13-2013 05:07 PM)Chance Ryada Wrote: [ -> ]Ok thanks. That explains it, and also explains the tail. So clicking on the inworld shows the costume but the pedigree will show the starter traits.
Yes exactly