03-12-2013, 01:40 PM
KittyCats Auction with Ace Wednesday @ Felis 4Pm Panels Available
?Speed? KittyCats Auction With Ace @ Felis Wednesday 4Pm SLT, Contest "Best in Silks"
Everyone is welcome even new breeders.Prize giver loaded with Collars made by Serena,Portable Kibble,Love drops++
?Line up so far More panels available?
?8T- Bengal Snow,Pft Shamrock,Pft Whiskers+2 {Hdng Aby Fawn,Glitter,T-Curious+}
?5T-Siamese Flame,OdyRainbow,Rounded,Curious Wskrs & Tail,{Hdng OdyK,Frazzled,?OcicatBlue?+}
~*Raffle Kitty up now*~ 4T-Balinese Lilac Lynx, Odyssey Kaleidoscope+2 {Hdng Bali Seal,Pft shape eyes,ChopChop,SoftFold,White or 2Tone Plush+}
?Speed? KittyCats Auction With Ace @ Felis Wednesday 4Pm SLT, Contest "Best in Silks"
Everyone is welcome even new breeders.Prize giver loaded with Collars made by Serena,Portable Kibble,Love drops++
?Line up so far More panels available?
?8T- Bengal Snow,Pft Shamrock,Pft Whiskers+2 {Hdng Aby Fawn,Glitter,T-Curious+}
?5T-Siamese Flame,OdyRainbow,Rounded,Curious Wskrs & Tail,{Hdng OdyK,Frazzled,?OcicatBlue?+}
~*Raffle Kitty up now*~ 4T-Balinese Lilac Lynx, Odyssey Kaleidoscope+2 {Hdng Bali Seal,Pft shape eyes,ChopChop,SoftFold,White or 2Tone Plush+}