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Full Version: All Beta Testers What did you name ur kitties :)
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HeartI'm first woots lolls
I named my kitties : i named da boys Snickers,Reeses, and KitKat da girls Cherry, Grape , Strawberries

Big GrinTongueRolleyesShyCoolWink
we have Milev Darling, Aliveri Darling, Lauren Darling, Bastian, Tai Tai and Jimmy,
4 Silver Tabby and 2 Siamese Seals
i have "aurora" then kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten. lol i was chasing them around too much to name them! lol
I am still waiting for them to birth and then I will name them. :-)
the girls


the boys

Boys: Mischief, Sneakers and Freezie (he won't move, lol)

Girls: Shortbread, Binky and Slipper
For the girls i have


and the boys

HeartI love all the names yews guys came ups with very creatives Big GrinTongueRolleyes
I was watching my kittens sleeps dem bellies move ups and downs so cutes Smile
Finally... I am SO not creative when it comes to names.

Girls: Zia, Sweet Pea, and Sticky (Constantly sticks out her tongue, she can't keep it in her mouth. Lol.)

Boys: Scissors, Brights, Stripes

3 American Shorthair Silver Tabby (2 females and 1 male) and 3 Siamese Seal (2 male and 1 female).
Oops, I just posted the photo with all my kitties names in with photos but in case you don't find it, I'll post here...enjoy as they did in having their picture taken Smile They sure do snore loud.

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