Will you be lucky this year?
Your boxes born from the 17th - 20th March will let you know if you are! :-)
Your KittyCatS Team
Oh boy hope I have the luck of the Irish we me this year
will it be random or one per avatar?
(03-07-2013 08:20 PM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: [ -> ]will it be random or one per avatar?
My guess is both random and one per avatar, that is how all the special births have been in the past.
\o/ I hope my Kittycats will be kind and be ready by then...sometimes they are slowpokes XD
Well I will rely on luck this time, not plan all my births
YESSSS have my kitten! at 12:15 AM
Dreams Of Eire
Irish Sea (Mysterious| Small)
Blonde Streaked (Fussy)
http://gyazo.com/02da3bc914270dd9f857d46e70e4ced9 -- for those who haven't seen pic of the GORGEOUS kitty.
Thank you KittyCats team for making such beautiful kitties. I almost went to bed after three tries but then decided out of pure irony ( if it worked ) to try getting it with the Christmas cats, well it worked. Thank you guys again. Now I can sleep. Goodnight.
Omg just waking up, and all excited !!! Bonne Chance ( Good Luck ) all! Rushes to my cattery to start breeding cats!!! Can't wait hope i get something!
OMG I got one ~~ Thanks !!! Pretty Pretty !!!! Beautiful, Thank you!
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Yes, my two Foxie Auburn also gave me at 05:30 AM:
Fur: Dreams Of Eire
Eyes: Irish Sea (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Flash
Tail: Swanky
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Blonde Streaked (Shape: Fussy)
Size: Normal