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KittyCats Auction with Ace Friday @ Felis 3Pm Panels Available

KittyCats Auction With Ace@ Felis Friday March 8Th 3Pm SLT, Contest "Best In Seasons"
Prize giver loaded with Collars made by Serena,Portable Kibble,Love drops+++
?Line up so far?

?Gen Flame 2 ?WILD TIGER EARS? (you can Only get from tiger OS) {hdng Chat Pink&Wht white wskrs+}

?6T-Aby Lilac,Jade (Mys),Shorty,Curious Whskrs {Hdng Stubby,Black Whskrs+}

?{full sibling breeding pair}-5&6T Siamese Blues,Gerbera Pink/Beach Blue, {both hdng 9Ts,Pft Platinum,Flair,SoftFold,Frazzled+}

?{full sibling breeding pair}-5& 6T Bali Chocolates,Grape,Flair+ {both hdng,Bali seal,Rainbow,Softfold,Black whskrs+}

?7T-Balinese Seal ,Pft Rainbow {hdng Bali Cream,Flair,Blonde wskrs,?Plush?+ all 9Ts in BG}

?4T- Siamese Flame,Ody Dream.OdyBooBoo{Hdng Bali Lilac,Pft Plum/WCherry, 2Tone or Blonde,Illume+ all 9Ts hidden}

?6T Petite-Bengal Snow,Fancie Blue Diamond(Mys)+{hdng Ocicat Tawny?Aby bs,Glitter,T-Curious+}

~*raffle Kitty*~ Siamese Flame Pft Starry Baby Blues {Hdng Bali Flame Lynx,Rounded,Gps Illume,PointedSoftFold++}
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