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Full Version: Are new traits no longer very valuable?
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It is funny I just finished one of my insane projects LOL
Project: make the Red Tabby pure.
OMG that was kind of a challenge because the only furs more dominant to the red are the Genesis so I needed to hide the red behind a genesis Smile
I just tested both sibs which should hide the Red Tabby with help of very recessive test kitties and YAY they both hide it the red.
Breeding dominant can be hard as well but I love those type of challenging projects somehow.
But I can finally start to produce my pure red heads :-)
I'm gonna jump in with one point about more dominant vs more recessive and relative value based upon difficulty.

If you think about it, it's actually harder to work with .. let's call them "middlin" traits .. traits where there's a lot more recessive and a lot more dominant.

By that, I mean, for example, if prices reflect difficulty, a highly-traited cat showing a "middlin" fur should actually cost MORE that the same highly-traited cat showing the "most recessive" fur. The prices "in the middle" should be a bit higher because it's more work HOLDING "in the middle".

On the other hand, that highly-traited "most recessive" fur makes your job getting a highly-traited "middlin" fur a lot easier. Prices "at the top" (most recessive) should be a bit higher NOT because of difficulty (which is lower) but because of value to you and GETTING to "the middle"
On one footnote I can understand selling some below market. I sometimes do it just to provide kibble for the rest of my babies. I have 2 lines I breed, the ones such as this with the Bengal Tawny that 9 out of 10 boxes never see the market. The other line is the bred winners and experiments I usually get them for a certain trait I want to add to mine, then don't have the heart to give them away or menagerie them until retirement. I usually put the OS in vendor boxes and let some new people discover them Smile

As to the dominance, I have found that my Siamese Seals, Choc, and Flames are more happy to give up their hidden fur whether it be Bengal Snow, Aby BS or Bali Cream more often than the Balinese I have. Which maybe why some are priced higher than others. On the other hand someone with an identical cattery may find the opposite. The harder it is to pull then the more pricey it should be.

I also in my opinion think it may have a little to do with how 'rare' is it really. Like the Fancie eyes (only available with the Fancies) or the Tiger traits (only available in the Menageries) should be a higher price than say the Ody Slush and Blush shade. The first is only available to those who have the fancy cats or menagerie tigers the other is most likely a hidden in 7 out of 10 catteries at the moment. Waiting to be found out or pulled. It's why I didn't go out and spend 5K - 10K on the Flash shade, I had it as a hidden and just needed to pull it.

Kay I'm getting closer to mine LOL. I'm doing the same with the Bengal Tawny Fur. See picture below (notice days of grandparents) for how long it's taken me to produce 2 boxes (one of each gender) to pair together. Goldwyn & Talula is OS from my Collabor88 pair. Of course these babies are precious because of the time and that little bit of me that I've put into them. This can give an idea of the work and time it takes to do something like that.

Pure Bengal Tawny w/Ody Boo BOO
(02-28-2013 04:01 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]...

Kay I'm getting closer to mine LOL. I'm doing the same with the Bengal Tawny Fur. See picture below (notice days of grandparents) for how long it's taken me to produce 2 boxes (one of each gender) to pair together. Goldwyn & Talula is OS from my Collabor88 pair. Of course these babies are precious because of the time and that little bit of me that I've put into them. This can give an idea of the work and time it takes to do something like that.

Pure Bengal Tawny w/Ody Boo BOO

Wow so precious, congrats!
I have my pure Bengal Tawny line still running as well and finally I come somewhere it is hard to find traiters on the market the Tawny can hide behind I noticed Smile
Mine originally came from Collabor88 as well.
I love yours has Ody Boo Boo ears by the way!
Our personal projectHeart Black Russian and White Russian(our logo-our sign) from begin in KC with recessive traits vampire ears and big boo boo tail,we got the big boo boo tail in the both for the moment, every one make his dream kitty to us is with dominant furs with recessives traits, I hope some day we can make our dreams kitties^^
(02-28-2013 05:07 PM)Mandred Blackadder Wrote: [ -> ]Our personal projectHeart Black Russian and White Russian(our logo-our sign) from begin in KC with recessive traits vampire ears and big boo boo tail,we got the big boo boo tail in the both for the moment, every one make his dream kitty to us is with dominant furs with recessives traits, I hope some day we can make our dreams kitties^^

Yay! my baby, our russians! and the blessing that our first megapuss is black russian with big boo boo tail, but with need breed come back the passion color, we lost it in the next generation, many to do hihi!(omg, sry dievcatko because it not is the matter in this post but I feel so happy because can happen in the future, our dream kitties)WinkHeart
I say this all the time the "middlin" and dominant traits are a pain in the butt to breed. I get the hidden or when I am trying to get them pure as Kay said I get the hidden being their hidden and passing it by entirely and once it is gone it is gone. Recessive can be found again when it is hidden. I value the look and combos that I enjoy and find attractive.
(02-28-2013 09:49 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ]I say this all the time the "middlin" and dominant traits are a pain in the butt to breed. I get the hidden or when I am trying to get them pure as Kay said I get the hidden being their hidden and passing it by entirely and once it is gone it is gone. Recessive can be found again when it is hidden. I value the look and combos that I enjoy and find attractive.

I had so many OS which didn't hide the Red in this project >.<
It was a tough cookie.
It is not at all easy indeed to keep and certainly make things pure Smile
Theo told me something once when i was purchasing a kitty. he said you if you feel guilty about the pricing and feel it should be more just give the breeder a tip the difference from what you paid and what you think you should pay and say thank you. no more no less
Just on update on Ody Slush, I just pulled it with Apple eyes from my love bee ^.^ super pretty! Also loving the new Gen furs!

Fur: Genesis - Domino III
Eyes: Odyssey Slush (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: Silver (Guitar)
Size: Normal
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