Hello KittyCat Community
I don't usually post here in the forum but after the past week or so I feel the need to say something about what I've seen this last week.
I was at an auction a few days ago and someone said something about the opening price of my kitty. This was an Ody Bellini Eyed female ...regardless I did not say anything to this person someone else did. I was glad she jumped in and said how recessive the eye is and how lucky she was to have gotten the kitty for 250L (she claimed) and that she must have gotten it from someone who didn't know what they actually had and she was right.
Breeders spend a lot of time on their kitties and excuse me but that kitty did cost me more than 150L's to breed.
Then today I get an IM from someone who I won't name - to tell me that my prices are to high ~ at the end they say to me ...good luck ~ ?
I breed KC because I enjoy it and it is a fun thing in Second Life to do. I enjoy the auctions because they are part of the KC community as a whole. I certainly don't want someone sending an Alt to IM me about my prices being to high in my shop. Anyone else getting this sort of treatment from new breeders or alts? I don't breed kittyCats to sell them ~ lol I don't think that is why any "real" breeder is breeding KC or any other breedable for that matter ~
Anyway...just wanted to let everyone know what is happening and my opinion about the prices on KC ....some of us take a lot of time, patience and yes, love of KC to breed what we do into them. I, for one would rather send my kitty to menagerie and help save the community then to sell some newb my kitty for 150L ~ I will continue to do just what I'm doing because I love it and that includes NOT LOWERING my already low prices on my kitties........thanks for reading
Katrin xoxo
I know we've had plenty of topics like this before (most which are gone now), but this is a free market and it's up to only you to determine what you wish to sell your kitties for, there is no "right" or "wrong" price, and no one should sway you into selling any differently than how you wish. And for every price you put on your kitty, there's almost always someone willing to go lower, whether by mistake or not. A lot of breeders also factor in time into their prices as plenty of well-traited kitties didn't take a few, mere breeds to get the outcome kitty and in fact took months, and that's okay too.
It sounds like a prospective buyer who really, really wanted some of your beautiful kitties but she just can't currently afford what you value your kitties as but is still trying to purchase them by bringing up another person's price in the past, whether true or not, and by putting down the prices you marked your kitties as so you'll give into their ideal price range.

Perhaps she was trying to haggle the price in this odd manner? I've seen this done before. Either way, good luck to them too and hopefully in the future they can learn to respect that it's up to each of us and our free will to determine the prices and opening bids of our kitties, and no one really has any say in that matter. Don't let this person bring you down!
(And yes, I've gotten this before but on the other end of the spectrum, "Your open bids are evil and awful for the community as a whole, you should open as high as you can get away with! You're a demon to our market!" clad with the knight in shining armor nobly justifying their derogatory declaration with "I'm saving the market and you're killing it, fiend!" comments. And to that I say open your kitties at that price you find ideal and let mine be at what I enjoy offering most - whether starting as an open bid to give everyone an equal opportunity at the start or not.

This is 100% a free market based on a hobby we all share and enjoy partaking in, and everyone should be allowed to price their kitties at what they want just as buyers can freely choose which kitties they wish to purchase with their own reasonings, and these decisions should ideally be respected no matter if an individual agrees or disagrees. )
Keep doing what you've been doing, because at the end of the day you should be content with your decisions and ultimately, you can never satisfy every person in this wonderful community.

(02-27-2013 03:28 PM)deerylou Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I know we've had plenty of topics like this before (most which are gone now), but this is a free market and it's up to only you to determine what you wish to sell your kitties for, there is no "right" or "wrong" price, and no one should sway you into selling any differently than how you wish. And for every price you put on your kitty, there's almost always someone willing to go lower, whether by mistake or not. A lot of breeders also factor in time into their prices as plenty of well-traited kitties didn't take a few, mere breeds to get the outcome kitty and in fact took months, and that's okay too.
It sounds like a prospective buyer who really, really wanted some of your beautiful kitties but she just can't currently afford what you value your kitties as but is still trying to purchase them by bringing up another person's price in the past, whether true or not, and by putting down the prices you marked your kitties as so you'll give into their ideal price range.
Perhaps she was trying to haggle the price in this odd manner? I've seen this done before. Either way, good luck to them too and hopefully in the future they can learn to respect that it's up to each of us and our free will to determine the prices and opening bids of our kitties, and no one really has any say in that matter. Don't let this person bring you down!
(And yes, I've gotten this before but on the other end of the spectrum, "Your open bids are evil and awful for the community as a whole, you should open as high as you can get away with! You're a demon to our market!" clad with the knight in shining armor nobly justifying their derogatory declaration with "I'm saving the market and you're killing it, fiend!" comments. And to that I say open your kitties at that price you find ideal and let mine be at what I enjoy offering most - whether starting as an open bid to give everyone an equal opportunity at the start or not.
This is 100% a free market based on a hobby we all share and enjoy partaking in, and everyone should be allowed to price their kitties at what they want just as buyers can freely choose which kitties they wish to purchase with their own reasonings, and these decisions should ideally be respected no matter if an individual agrees or disagrees. )
Keep doing what you've been doing, because at the end of the day you should be content with your decisions and ultimately, you can never satisfy every person in this wonderful community.
OH yes......Totally! xoxox
i have been here for a while i was not here in the absolute begining but i did recently realize i was only three months shy hahahahaha! and when i started it was because i found the cutest breedable ever !! i breed cats not for sales i give away to close friends mostly. although i do sale a cats once or twice a year for food purposes. i do buy an average of 6 cats a week >.> hahahaa. and i for one dont think anyone should be harrassed about the price of a cat. nor do i think one should be called rude or told they where offensive for offering a price for a cat that they can afford. i try to give respect to everyone and never try to sound mean or malicious. i am a very jokey person all that know me will say i laugh or try to find a good side of everything. i think sometimes because we can not hear a voice we all tend to every now and again take things wrong. but i think we as a communtity should try to remember that the person you are trying to buy a cat from didnt have to breed it. they took there time out of there day and pulled out there hair in order to give us an awesome cat! and that the buyer doesnt have to buy it they are trying to pay homage to you the best way they can ( and in my opinion ody bellini for 150 is crazy !! and i am cheap as hell ask everyone whoever haggled with me hahahahhaha!!! its not like its an old trait and its still the rarest eye! not to say i would pay 5k ither hahahhaa but its what ever you want to charge and what another is willing to pay! just as Deery said niether is wrong )
It is one thing to try to negotiate the price of a kitteh but no one has the right to criticize how someone prices their kittehs. Yes I have let newer people know that they are priced a bit low or high but always with a respectful manner.
Lolz yay!
The price dictators are back I really started to miss them ...
The people who are trying to dictate the prices other people ask and feel personally responsable to "save" the market by lecturing individuals do not only not "save" the market but ruin the atmosphere as well.
Ignore those people is the best solution I think
But in all earnesty I think everyone should just ask the price they want for a kitty and have the starting bid they aim for their cat on auctions.
An open bid is no critical thing at all the seller needs to be prepared to take the risk the kitty goes for a low price but I have seen cats with an open bid go for an amount with plenty of zero's so the opening bid doesn't say anything about the quality of a cat either.
It is totally up to the seller what they want to do with their breeds.
Hello, Katrin^^ , my tip for you is used the wonderful botton "mute" to this style of people(disrespectful), the market is free and the community is growing.
Odyssey Bellini seems to *start* around 2k, on gen with no traits. If someone got Ody Bellini for L$250, the seller probably forgot to add the other 0, or didn't know what it was (maybe confused it with Genesis Odyssey). Either way, it's up to you to set your prices. I've had people try to guilt me about prices too (I had a Rockstar for 10K, said open to offers and someone pitched a fit I rejected their 1K offer). If someone thinks your cats are overpriced there are many other shops they can buy from; they may not realise different traits are worth more.
(02-27-2013 03:05 PM)Katrin Bracken Wrote: [ -> ]Hello KittyCat Community
I don't usually post here in the forum but after the past week or so I feel the need to say something about what I've seen this last week.
I was at an auction a few days ago and someone said something about the opening price of my kitty. This was an Ody Bellini Eyed female ...regardless I did not say anything to this person someone else did. I was glad she jumped in and said how recessive the eye is and how lucky she was to have gotten the kitty for 250L (she claimed) and that she must have gotten it from someone who didn't know what they actually had and she was right.
Breeders spend a lot of time on their kitties and excuse me but that kitty did cost me more than 150L's to breed.
Then today I get an IM from someone who I won't name - to tell me that my prices are to high ~ at the end they say to me ...good luck ~ ?
I breed KC because I enjoy it and it is a fun thing in Second Life to do. I enjoy the auctions because they are part of the KC community as a whole. I certainly don't want someone sending an Alt to IM me about my prices being to high in my shop. Anyone else getting this sort of treatment from new breeders or alts? I don't breed kittyCats to sell them ~ lol I don't think that is why any "real" breeder is breeding KC or any other breedable for that matter ~
Anyway...just wanted to let everyone know what is happening and my opinion about the prices on KC ....some of us take a lot of time, patience and yes, love of KC to breed what we do into them. I, for one would rather send my kitty to menagerie and help save the community then to sell some newb my kitty for 150L ~ I will continue to do just what I'm doing because I love it and that includes NOT LOWERING my already low prices on my kitties........thanks for reading
Katrin xoxo
Yes I have had the same experience someone came in about my fancie diamond eyes kittys and told me they had gotten then for more then half that price,but really once you think about that if they really have then they wouldn't be bugging you about lowering the prices they would already have it in their cattery.
I however do the opposite i let deals go and tell people when I think they could get more money for a trait or fur. and your right it takes a lot of time and lindens into making a kitty and I will drop prices when I need kibble like we all do,but your kittys are awesome,you worked hard at making them and you have the right to price them as does everyone else.
I know a lot have to feel the same way I do when you buy a trait for a high price then by the time you trait up the kitty to sell its in shops all over less then half of what you paid for it. Make your own prices and don't let anyone tell you different ; )
Katrin you keep up the good work and don't let anyone intimidate you into altering your methods at all. I have one of your beautiful babies that has the ody bellini hiding and I can tell you I had not one issue with purchasing it for what I did.
Sure I see kittycats on the market and think WOW that's what a trait goes for and even think "Hope she gets what she's asking for it". More power to them, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sell for what you are comfortable with. Same goes for buying. If a kitty has what I'm looking for I usually have a budget in mind of what I'll pay for it. If not I may IM the seller and see about either trading or if they have lower traited one. I've even come back when I have the lindens to see if the kitty is still for sell.
You take your time and pour your passion into them and you should get satisfaction out of how you sell. Trust me I feed more into my babies than the give back in lindens that's for sure. My bank statement can prove that. Everyone has there selling values and no one should tell you how to do yours.