You can now hunt for the Free KittyCatS Birthday Boy Cat!
Just touch the Birthday Cake besides the boy to get the landmark to the first location, tp there and find the first cake

Touch it to get the landmark to the next location. There are 12 cakes to be found. After you clicked all you can go back to the mainshop and click the cake besides the boy again and it will give you the Free KittyCatS Birthday Cat!!
Your KittyCatS Team
What a wonderful gift <3 thank you so much!
Thanks, but are there any hints? some places ar huge and im so laggy

There are no official hints. Yes, the larger sims are definitely tough. However, I worked together with people hunting around me and that helped out a lot. Teamwork!

That doesn't always work. I have been on #6 hunting for a week now and when asking if anyone else is hunting, my sister and I have been met with rudeness.
i'm sorry to hear that you have had that kind of reaction, most of the people here with KC is exactly the opposites of that. I had a hard time to and if it weren't for a few people basically walking me through it I wouldn't have gotten it either. Just hang in there and i'm sure someone will help you. Good luck.
I'm sure I'll find someone. And it did come to kind of a shock as prior, everyone I bumped into between the main store and various other places, people were very friendly. I just had the luck of finding the one bad apple. But I sat in on Sanura's pixie stick fueled auction and that bad apple is a distant memory

(02-23-2013 11:07 AM)EmmaVioletCaryl Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure I'll find someone. And it did come to kind of a shock as prior, everyone I bumped into between the main store and various other places, people were very friendly. I just had the luck of finding the one bad apple. But I sat in on Sanura's pixie stick fueled auction and that bad apple is a distant memory 
Awe I am sorry you had to deal with a bit of rudeness but I am glad me and my pixie stick addiction was able to help make you feel better!
Thanks so much KittyCats, You Guys Rock, Tooooo Much Fun!!!!!! ?
I love these two kitties! I'm curious, though. Does the birthday cake food work for none-birthday kitties?