The title speaks it all. I don't have a big parcle or enough prims in-world to get the kitties down from online cattery that doesn't require milk. Almost 99.5% of my kitties are online cattery. 5% is when they are still little kitten, I like to let them run around wild and play. It is very costly and expensive that the milk now are applied to all kitties. I really wish to have a new feature to add on to be able to select the kitty that require milk and some don't on the online cattery in the future updates.

(02-05-2013 03:14 PM)Inia Soulstar Wrote: [ -> ]The title speaks it all. I don't have a big parcle or enough prims in-world to get the kitties down from online cattery that doesn't require milk. Almost 99.5% of my kitties are online cattery. 5% is when they are still little kitten, I like to let them run around wild and play. It is very costly and expensive that the milk now are applied to all kitties. I really wish to have a new feature to add on to be able to select the kitty that require milk and some don't on the online cattery in the future updates.
I wanted to second Inia's suggestion.
I'm using the cattery exclusively at the moment while my comp is on its '2013 USA Repair Tour', and now that I'm familiar with cattery I know I'll be using it a lot more. I'd like milk to stay on as the default, but have the option to turn it off on individual cats. I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement, but I like the idea.
I could be wrong but I don't think kittens that don't need milk use the milk. I know cats that have their breeding turned off dont use it so I would imagine cats that aren't breeding due to age aren't using it either. As I said I could be wrong.
I also like Inia's suggestion! I had the same concern a few time ago. It could be a check box to disable some cats to drink milk or another section in the cattery where we could sent them. I understand milk can be expensive and I sometime would like to use it on some cat without having to keep them inworld. Thank you for launhing the idea

Doesnt seem to be a way to shut off the heart light when in cattery.
So the question is, does a cat that has breeding turned off outside,
stay off when beamed to the cattery.
If so, turning off breeding should keeps its head out of the milk bowl, yes?
Looks like we need an official response to this question,
and more button options in the cattery!
I can imagine it would be convenient to have to option to exclude certain cats from milk in the Online Cattery and include others just as with in world breeding.
I don't use the Online Cattery but I think this is a great idea Inia!
Also I like to add to this it would be highly appreciated if cats we keep in inventory now without food could be stored in the cattery as well without them consuming.
I have quite some cats in inventory and updating them when requiered is quite an event I would love to skip.
Having them in an alternative account without food makes them alarm in a heartbreaking way via IM and in my case e-mail :-(
Obviously that is no option either it makes me feel bad ...
(02-15-2013 05:17 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Having them in an alternative account without food makes them alarm in a heartbreaking way via IM and in my case e-mail :-(
Obviously that is no option either it makes me feel bad ...
HAR! I think that is a KittyCatS plot!
They make the cat sound pitiful as it pleads with you to
You will not be getting away with any kitteh neglect!!
Just remember not to give the cat your email address,
or you will find it sending you sad messages on your I PHONE 
(02-17-2013 04:23 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]...
Just remember not to give the cat your email address,
or you will find it sending you sad messages on your I PHONE 
I'd like to bring up this again as a request. Some kitties I want to breed, but don't mind them taking the 10 days to gain love. While others I do want that box in 7 days.
I'm all in for this one!
? Amore