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For the next 48 hours the new pedigree "breeder" tag has been anonymized.
It only indicates if you bred a cat, or someone else did.
When you are not logged in to the website, it will also show the cats you bred as "someone else", since the website does not know "it's you".
Let's have a nice and friendly chat about this, and you can share your input.
Thanx in advance all for your cooperation.
Don't forget to vote on the poll on top of this topic.
EDIT: A Small update
I just wanted to make some clarifications. Displaying the breeder is not a "standalone" descision, but necessary to add functionality to the pedigree.
The Pedigree now allows you to access pedigrees of cats you own OR bred , compared to before where you specifically had to own the cat to access its pedigree.
To show which or why pedigrees are accesible for you, both the owner and breeder are shown.
Without the breeder tag, it would be unclear to know what you can access.
The current way of displaying "You" and "Someone Else" is sufficient but inconsistent as the owner names are fully shown.
It also lacks the ability to clarify why visitors via a pedigree link could access other cats no longer owned by you but which you bred, as they will see all as bred by "Someone Else".
I can see however why some would or wouldn't want to show the breeder names apart from showing access.
I'm also adding this message as an additional post so it wont be lost.
Thank you so far for your input and thoughts.
I like the change as it was before this temporarily 48 hours change.
I love to be able to see who the breeder originally was of a certain line of cats I like just so I can vist his/ her store or contact them in person.
It gives much convenience as well to be able to access the pedigree of a cat we don't own anymore but have bred.
This gives more flexibility to sell parents/ grandparents while we remain to have access to their stats.
Personaly I would love to keep the change in showing the breeders and the owners name.
(02-04-2013 09:42 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]I like the change as it was before this temporarily 48 hours change.
I love to be able to see who the breeder originally was of a certain line of cats I like just so I can vist his/ her store or contact them in person.
It gives much convenience as well to be able to access the pedigree of a cat we don't own anymore but have bred.
This gives more flexibility to sell parents/ grandparents while we remain to have access to their stats.
Personaly I would love to keep the change in showing the breeders and the owners name.
I agree!
I think that you should be able to see who bred the cat, here's why:
-We all work HARD to make epic KittyCatS to sell/trade/display, we should be able to take credit for our hard work.
-Ever buy a kitty and get a surprise trait out of nowhere? Knowing where that kitty came from will help you connect with the breeder to learn more about the line and their experiences with it.
-I personally find it interesting to see where my project kitties end up, I think it's something fun to follow.
Kayleigh, agreed!
It is important for me that the breeder gets credit for what he or she has bred. I also have an idea of what some breeders does, what traits they work with etc, so it is a great help when deciding to buy a cat.
I love this concept potential as it commends the breeder as well for their work (and no, I don't think this is "elitist" or anything derogatory - I think this is just enjoying seeing what other breeders have been working on project-wise and to what extent, I love seeing this and think it's so awesome!), and hope that after 48 hours, we can see both the owner and the breeder without any anonymity.
Maybe an option for those breeders wishing for anonymity would be a checkbox to mask all of their kitties bred out as bred by "Someone Else" (as it is now) versus their actual name but those who want to show that they bred every kitty can have it there by default, or vice-versa? This situation allows both perspectives to be catered to which is always a plus!

I agree Kayleigh, I loved the changes, and i was actually disappointed when i heard about the 48 temp change, I for one hope the change is kept and the breeder and owners name are displayed. The ability to see at a glance where one of your kitties came from is a great advantage when looking to purchase other kitties for your breeding program, for that reason i cant understand why any breeder would object to this
Personally I really do NOT need to know who bred a cat before someone else may have bought it. When I am out shopping I am not looking for the breeder I am looking for the traits I desire so for me it is the cat that is important not who may have bred it or bought it.
Personally I think showing the breeder is only going to lead to more elitist attitudes that if you haven't bred out a certain amount of that line you aren't a so called "good breeder". Which has already caused people to feel badly for what they breed and sell and made them rethink what they buy because they aren't willing to spend thousands of lindens on something they won't be allowed to sell until they have owned and bred the line enough for those buyers to consider them an actual breeder.
This attitude also has caused many new people to KittyCatS to feel badly because they don't own the grandparents or whatever, to me the thing I love about KittyCatS is the community and I just see this making the community more bitter and elitist which isn't something that sounds like fun in the least for me.
Edited to add in I do think the people who breed the kittehs do deserve reconziation but as we have sen in a post on the forum a couple weeks ago there are those who feel if you don't breed the whole line it isn't worth as much, even going so far as to NOT buy the kitteh for sale but going back to the original breeder of a certain trait.
wow....I liked being able to see who bred the kitties I did not. This has always been a feature included in the pedigree. So why the big change now? Especially when purchasing a kitty, and I want another I will no longer be able to find the original breeder. This is terrible in my opinion.
Breeders SHOULD get credit for a great cat...and why would I object to having their name in my pedigree? Point is... I don't. When I purchase a kitty, I WANT to know where it came from. If the line is mine, it's name will be all over it. I mean come on people....this is NOT rocket science, privacy is sort of silly on a pedigree. There is no social security number, no driver's license true identifying information...only the name of your SL avi. If you breed KittyCats, and auction them or have a just blew your anonymity anyway. I like to see where my kitties came from and I like to see my lines pop up in other places as well. It is rewarding to see my kitties being used to help someone else.
wow....I liked being able to see who bred the kitties I did not. This has always been a feature included in the pedigree. So why the big change now? Especially when purchasing a kitty, and I want another I will no longer be able to find the original breeder. This is terrible in my opinion.
Breeders SHOULD get credit for a great cat...and why would I object to having their name in my pedigree? Point is... I don't. When I purchase a kitty, I WANT to know where it came from. If the line is mine, it's name will be all over it. I mean come on people....this is NOT rocket science, privacy is sort of silly on a pedigree. There is no social security number, no driver's license true identifying information...only the name of your SL avi. If you breed KittyCats, and auction them or have a just blew your anonymity anyway. I like to see where my kitties came from and I like to see my lines pop up in other places as well. It is rewarding to see my kitties being used to help someone else.
I vote keep as it was, there really is no point in knowing names....... some of the points i expressed in the forum post that sparked this poll.
for 2 years its not been a issue why change now and i would love too know what KC did this as it feels very under the hood.
whats wrong with contacting a breeder of a cat and asking for the ped ? it make friends and a community.
what i don't think kc understands is the snobbery that happens with cats, and they just gave more fuel too them so called "elites" its just pure wrong and the new breeders feel pushed out and feel they have too have there name all over the ped.
plus it should be are choice if we want too revel such info... if some one wants too know we can just use gazoo (screen capture) or kc give use a option to open up the ped for that person.
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