i think all of us know these cats are real and pretty expensive, yet kittycats hasn't done one yet and i guess no one in sl did either, so heres my suggestion
I know KittyCats has its own bunch of well trained designers and can do it, and for any problem i can help in making also, as this is what i do to gain my sl living, sculpts, meshes, textures.
I really love these kitties even if some may say they are ugly i find them cute and theyre as cuddly as any other, plus they will be so unique in Sl as in Rl
So if youd like to see a kitycat like this or if you have a nice picture of these kind to share please let us know!

[/size][/font]OMG that Kitty is AWESOME !!! i would love a hairless kitty that would be something to see in the line of KittyCats and also maybe those kitties with no tail .. that be something !
Personally I prefer my cats with hair but I also see how some might like this and since I think KC's are for everyone's taste this might be an option also.
I don't think they can do a skinny cat, given the basic body sculpts that they are working with .... prove me wrong, KC? True, the tails and ears can be different, so why not the body? but it might be a stretch, & the animations might not work right with a skinny body.
(01-28-2013 08:38 AM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think they can do a skinny cat, given the basic body sculpts that they are working with .... prove me wrong, KC? True, the tails and ears can be different, so why not the body? but it might be a stretch, & the animations might not work right with a skinny body.
Well my humble beginner scripter guess is that the birthing script gets the textures for both fur and sculpt shapes of all cat components by uuid, so if its like this it should be easy as 123 to replace the body and leg shapes, only thing is cats will need another update to be able to birth those kind.
For the animating part the only must is that the sculpter have the cat in editing program with joints hidden/locked, so the modifying process affects all but not the joint - the part between cat and legs and the feet/cat length - just the width, otherwise it is not such a big change as to affect the way cat will be in cudleing mode or any animation.
proove me right

hmm seriously not sure about this new idea proposal. Personally, I think this hairless cat just isn't very attractive, neither is it appealing to me as a cat I would love to own and spend lindens on having. Also, it would obviously have to probably have one less trait than the rest, the fur trait, when all of the others have the fur trait. Each to their own as everyone has different tastes and likes about their KittyCats but I'm afraid my vote will sadly have to be no on this one. I'm sorry, Dreaming Button