Would it be possible to create a mode in which the kitty is sort of in the pose mode, but running minimal scripting?
I don't have much of an issue with 12 kitties running around, but a couple friends of mine have had major lag issues since I started collecting cats.
Is this what "posing" does? Or is there potentially more that can be done?
(04-26-2011 01:30 PM)Neural Blankes Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be possible to create a mode in which the kitty is sort of in the pose mode, but running minimal scripting?
I don't have much of an issue with 12 kitties running around, but a couple friends of mine have had major lag issues since I started collecting cats.
Is this what "posing" does? Or is there potentially more that can be done?
You can turn Posing on, which would help. Alternatively, you can also disable their walk/run animations, which would keep your kitties appearing life-like, without the collisions caused by them running around.
It is odd that your friends are having lag issues. KittyCatS are designed to run with 1/2 the script time of other breedables, even with all animations active. (ie. they were designed to not create too much lag)
Oh, my comment is any attempt to say that the kitties don't run well. I think the issue with the performance is an issue of old computers.
I just wondered if there was a way to run them at minimal script levels, and the posing and turning off animations is probably the answer.
(04-26-2011 10:05 PM)Neural Blankes Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, my comment is any attempt to say that the kitties don't run well. I think the issue with the performance is an issue of old computers.
I just wondered if there was a way to run them at minimal script levels, and the posing and turning off animations is probably the answer.
Hi Neutral
The way our KittyCatS are scripted is any script they don't use goes in a "sleeping" mode, thats the reason they use hardly script time when they are not moving.