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Full Version: Kitties going Off-world
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I got a new land and decided to keep all my cats there, I wanted to see them running around so I set their range to Parcel, of course many of them went off-world all the time so I built transparent 5 x 5 m walls at the 2 corners but I kept receiving some of them in lost and found folder.

Finally I decided to turn their walking animations off when I'm not around so they don't starve in my inventory, but surprisingly many of them went off-world again, how could that happen when they are not moving at all?
SL is weird is my answer.

I have my place all fenced with transparent prims and when we just moved in a couple of kitties went off-world too. It hasn't happened again luckily (I made no changes to the fences).
(01-19-2013 07:10 PM)Bea Shamrock Wrote: [ -> ]SL is weird is my answer.

Yes I think so too, I turned off all animations options besides the walking, sit/lay, sound, talking and they stopped going off-world, these options don't move the cats but maybe reduced lag.

Sometimes when I rerezed them from my lost & found folder they flied to the edge of the sim Big Grin.

Anyway I will just live with, they don't need to move or talk when I'm not around, and when I'm I can rerez them Dodgy.
Hugs. I hope SL stops doing that for you in the future and you can keep your kitties the way you like.
(01-21-2013 08:06 PM)Bea Shamrock Wrote: [ -> ]Hugs. I hope SL stops doing that for you in the future and you can keep your kitties the way you like.

Thank you Smile *hugs*
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