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Full Version: Male Chateau 3-2 Wanted
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Looking for a Chateau 3-Spot No. 2 Male without genesis eyes (prefer mysterious shape or small pupil)
Let me know if you have one for sale!
Still looking!!Sad
(04-26-2011 02:01 PM)Liv Zerundi Wrote: [ -> ]Still looking!!Sad

I just have a lil girl! Although I do have a male Chateau Black and White no.1 with rounded ears w/e Genesis meadow I know it's not what you're looking for. Good luck though!
(04-25-2011 09:40 AM)Liv Zerundi Wrote: [ -> ]Looking for a Chateau 3-Spot No. 2 Male without genesis eyes (prefer mysterious shape or small pupil)
Let me know if you have one for sale!

Hello!! We had a Chateau 3-2 this morning!! We don't know the gender yet...waiting for my hubby to log in to discuss when or if to unpack. I have six KittyCats! now so if its male its very likely we will sell if you are still interested.
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