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Full Version: C O N T E S T - S t r a y C a t S ! (Part 1) - OVER - Part II? yay or nay? comment
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I'm thinking you can pick up to 6 starters, register them via the id tags. Open and breed those until the feb 4th date. In essence finding out which starters you want to register as your bloodline. Then on feb 4th you have to pick 2 of those starters to register as your starter pair and breed out the best kitty to be voted on.
oh i think i get it now thanks Smile
(01-08-2013 11:54 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking you can pick up to 6 starters, register them via the id tags. Open and breed those until the feb 4th date. In essence finding out which starters you want to register as your bloodline. Then on feb 4th you have to pick 2 of those starters to register as your starter pair and breed out the best kitty to be voted on.

Thank You Serena for your help Smile i was busy working in RL and in auction in SL aswell. Just had a look in the conversation and yes you exlained everything perfectly Smile thanks for that Smile

Hope you have all fun ^^
Here are the starters I'll be playing with until feb 4th!

[Image: 8373048695_8ae2721f06.jpg]
Really awesome contest idea, can't wait to see what everyone will be able to breed out hehe
\0/ I'm so curious as well what we are able to create from our starters Smile
Good luck all!
Ok i have a question, can i breed my starters mixed together, than pick the 2 i want to use and start the blood line. or even better breed my starters to well traited kitties to see what 2 i want to use?
(01-14-2013 10:30 AM)Luna1987 Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Ok i have a question, can i breed my starters mixed together, than pick the 2 i want to use and start the blood line.

or even better breed my starters to well traited kitties to see what 2 i want to use?

Hi Smile For the first Part of your Question: Yes you can mix your starters and pick later your final pair. Second part: NO! lool absolutely no other cats than starters ^^thats the fun ^^
Wink Thats the reason I opened 6 starters. I had a 2 pair in inventory for quite awhile and purchased a pair. So they have just a little over a week to go before the first set of boxes.

A questions though, I haven't but the thought occurred. Can we use love vitamins?

Since I started kinda late I was hoping to get a couple of boxes from my starters before deciding and 2 of them are a day behind.
(01-14-2013 05:50 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]A questions though, I haven't but the thought occurred. Can we use love vitamins?

Since I started kinda late I was hoping to get a couple of boxes from my starters before deciding and 2 of them are a day behind.

Yes, I was wondering that too, I opened a second pair of xmas starters a few days after my initial pair, and they need to catch up...

Julia, I will send an updated nc with my extra pair on it Smile (just coz I like to be a pain hehehe)
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