12-24-2012, 03:49 AM
Join us Friday 12 PM SLT for the Cozy Winter Auction.
A Place where some of the Best Breeders including their amazing Cats meets!
This Friday Jolita, Shania, Theodore and more amazing breeders will bring you some amazing Cats for your Cattery!
Stay tuned for more infos about the LineUp.
Click Cat Stats to see pedigrees.
?? ? 7T AbyFawn/Lemon/TWINKLE/Frisky/ODY NO.1/BLONDE STREAKED Mysterious Whiskers
? ? 3T Chat.Cocoa&WhiteNo.1/SWANKY/MysteriousEars (hides Tapestry Royale!)
? available
? ? 7T AbyBlackSilver/perfect FANCIE BLUE DIAMOND/FUSSY/WhitePLUSH
? ? 6T BengalSnow/PEACH BELLINI/Glitter/SHORTY/BooBooEars/PLUSH
? ? 8T BaliSEAL/perfect Rainbow Prism/Illume/BooBooTail/WhiteMysteriousWhiskers
? 8T BaliSEAL/perfectRainbowPrism/Flair/MysteriousTail/WhiteMysteriousWhiskers
? ? 3T BaliCREAM/KeyLime/MysteriousWhiskers (could hide WAVY!)
? ? 6T RussianBlack/small FANCIE PURPLE DIAMOND/BooBooTail/CuriousEars/WhiteWhiskers
? ? 5T BURMESE FLAME/Frisky/BIG BOO BOO Ears/WhiteCURIOUS Whiskers
? reserved
? reserved
? ? 7T SnowShoeRed/perfect LIGHTWASH/MysteriousTail/2TONE Mysterious Whiskers
Price Giver is running the whole Auction including amazing Stuff from KittyCatS!
On RaFfLe BoArD:
500 L$ GIFT CARD! A N D ? 5T BaliChoc/Lemon/Glitter/BLONDE STREAKED MysteriousWhiskers (CHECK BG!)
Only 99L$/Ticket
See you Friday 12 PM SLT!
Taxi here
Join us Friday 12 PM SLT for the Cozy Winter Auction.
A Place where some of the Best Breeders including their amazing Cats meets!
This Friday Jolita, Shania, Theodore and more amazing breeders will bring you some amazing Cats for your Cattery!
Stay tuned for more infos about the LineUp.
Click Cat Stats to see pedigrees.
?? ? 7T AbyFawn/Lemon/TWINKLE/Frisky/ODY NO.1/BLONDE STREAKED Mysterious Whiskers
? ? 3T Chat.Cocoa&WhiteNo.1/SWANKY/MysteriousEars (hides Tapestry Royale!)
? available
? ? 7T AbyBlackSilver/perfect FANCIE BLUE DIAMOND/FUSSY/WhitePLUSH
? ? 6T BengalSnow/PEACH BELLINI/Glitter/SHORTY/BooBooEars/PLUSH
? ? 8T BaliSEAL/perfect Rainbow Prism/Illume/BooBooTail/WhiteMysteriousWhiskers
? 8T BaliSEAL/perfectRainbowPrism/Flair/MysteriousTail/WhiteMysteriousWhiskers
? ? 3T BaliCREAM/KeyLime/MysteriousWhiskers (could hide WAVY!)
? ? 6T RussianBlack/small FANCIE PURPLE DIAMOND/BooBooTail/CuriousEars/WhiteWhiskers
? ? 5T BURMESE FLAME/Frisky/BIG BOO BOO Ears/WhiteCURIOUS Whiskers
? reserved
? reserved
? ? 7T SnowShoeRed/perfect LIGHTWASH/MysteriousTail/2TONE Mysterious Whiskers
Price Giver is running the whole Auction including amazing Stuff from KittyCatS!
On RaFfLe BoArD:
500 L$ GIFT CARD! A N D ? 5T BaliChoc/Lemon/Glitter/BLONDE STREAKED MysteriousWhiskers (CHECK BG!)
Only 99L$/Ticket
See you Friday 12 PM SLT!
Taxi here