11-20-2012, 07:49 AM
KittyCats Auction @ Felis With Ace Tuesday(Today) 4Pm
Auction Tuesday November 4Pm,Panels are set out and Contest will be "best in White" the earlier you set up and spam the better the sales will be ; ) have any questions feel free to IM me,Everyone is welcome even new breeders,and also come check out our wonderful shops with super low priced high traited kittys ; )
Contest will be "best in White"
Auction Tuesday November 4Pm,Panels are set out and Contest will be "best in White" the earlier you set up and spam the better the sales will be ; ) have any questions feel free to IM me,Everyone is welcome even new breeders,and also come check out our wonderful shops with super low priced high traited kittys ; )
Contest will be "best in White"