For the last couple months I've been maintaining an in-world display of all auctioneers' schedules and which sims they are at.
I'd like to ask a favor of the KittyCatS auctioneers out there. Would you please send me a notecard with the LM to your stage and the times you auctioneer so I can make sure my schedule is correct and that all LMs are current?
What I show currently is also available online at
Thanks for all of your help!
~Hellcat (Vamps Cheeky)
Hi Vamps:-)
Maybe this is an interesting link to check out here are all the auctions collected together in a calendar I assume this is the most up to date information about auctions because sometimes times and locations change.
I hope this helps
Auction Calendar »
Hello Vamps and Kay!
Thank you SO SO much for collecting this info and put it all together in one same place!
I have been using the KittyCats Auctions blogspot lately but I can see that recently closed sims are still part of that chart which adds up names to the list. However I'm quite pleased to see that the new ones get added soon after the place is open and up for business.
I love google docs and considering most of us use Saga's amazing charts I think it is a fantastic idea to pour the auctions info there too.
Thanks again!

roger roger... sent info thanks kindly
Hmm, according to your schedule, my auction is at same time as someone else's - on a sim I never heard about. -And here I thought I had done my research
It will be good to get an updated schedule so we can maybe avoid too many of these auction-time on top of each other, as they're basically annoying and damaging for all parties - auctioneers, markets, buyers and sellers alike.
Poke me in-world when you think you schedule is all done - maybe it'd be good to link to it on my charts. -Or mirror it there or something, whichever is best/easiest/preferred.
-Just beware that creating and updating a Google Doc for the KittyCatS community is a job you can't just escape again once you started it... I know what I'm talking about, lol
P.S. Oh btw, do weeks in America always start with Sunday? -This is something I've been wondering about - and now again that I see this...

(11-16-2012 12:21 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ] (11-16-2012 10:48 AM)Giuliana Verrazzano Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Vamps and Kay!
Thank you SO SO much for collecting this info and put it all together in one same place!
I have been using the KittyCats Auctions blogspot lately but I can see that recently closed sims are still part of that chart which adds up names to the list. However I'm quite pleased to see that the new ones get added soon after the place is open and up for business. 
I love google docs and considering most of us use Saga's amazing charts I think it is a fantastic idea to pour the auctions info there too.
Thanks again! 
Gosh I
your banner!
Thank you!! It was made by Lixy Byron and I must admit we had a long and detailed look at yours while we were thinking on how to make ours!

I'm quite pleased with what Lixy did with all of our ideas and I love the simplicity of it. Thanks so much for noticing it!
Giulia ?
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to those of you who maintain lists of auction times and locations - Looking at you Vamps!

I dropped a notecard on you in world as well, but figured I'd add the information here. In the spirit of avoiding overlap as much as possible, I'm no longer auctioning on Tuesday nights at 6pm, and I have moved my Friday auction to 2PM.