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Full Version: sratchpost bug
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After using the scratching post..every teacup or babie kittys have this problem.

[Image: bug_001.jpg]
My kitties have that problem at times too, but not necessarily after using the scratch post (when starting to pet them for example). Usually clicking on them (right-clicking I think) fixes it, so I think it may happen on my screen only at that time.

That said, I don't have any teacups inworld at he moment, so I can't comment on the issue that specifically, but I do have some babies I'll be looking at more closely.
This has happened to kittens I have owned. They and the adult cats will stall there for a few seconds before returning back to normal.
same here - most disconcerting when their heads appear to fall off lol
I had put it down to lag? I could be wrong of course Smile
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