KittyCatS! Community Forum

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(11-22-2012 06:11 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Heart hugs you!

Heart snuzzles you back
Alohas Big Grin

i thinki make some nice Tools ( & i hope usefull ^^) for Kittycats,
more Infos find you here Smile

if u need some Custom Stuff , write me a IM/NC Wink
Hi there! I'm Raye and I make super cute plushies in gachas XD i just started recently. i also like making furniture and texturing clothes but im learning! heres some of my gachas and furniture :>,qoQaK8w,5UQ6wVY...e7,zdyL59a
I JUST OPENED A CANDLE SHOP & My husband has a shop next door with cat accessories and a few kittens for sale! ~Scented Memories~Heart
Hello I'm Izarix co-owner of House of Blackheart Designs with my husband Michael44.
Our store is only on marketplace at the moment. We make fountains, club decorations and equipment hoping to one day make clothing, tattoos and the like. We're big into the gothic alternative style of furnishings, but always open to new ideas and suggestions. We've been building since our original rezz day's in 2008 and still learning new stuff every day.
I hope you like what we do!
Safe Travels all~ ^,..,^

Hello, I am VardaSilver Spearsong content creator and show host. I like to dabble in as many things as I can my Catty link is here :

and my inworld store is found here:
[Image: swdslsign_zpsc8516e39.png]

if anyone is interested in the show I do called Virtual Voice that can be found here ....>
Hi! I'm Shukie, Owner of Shukie's Shop.
I build accessories for standard SL avatars, aswell as for my little pony avatars.
I enjoy buildign necklaces and bracelets, anklets, and other goods.
Everything from fancy, to friendship necklaces, to rave things.

My main store location is at Ravenlock.
Alternatively, i have it on marketplace for anywhere-viewing.
Hello to everyone and a pleasure to meet you all.

My name is Beloved Ruby but everyone calls me simply Ruby. I am a content creator in Second Life and my store is [RUBY]. It can be found here:

I have retired most of my items, as I have been working on my own original meshes to bring a new fresh line of clothing. I am looking forward to this new stage in my content creation.

Ever since my involvement with KittyCats! I have wanted to create clothes for them, but since that is not a possibility at this time, I decided to give a try to the collar and cap creator kits. I am enjoying that a lot, even though I have not yet realeased any to the public. ;-)

Outside from working with original meshes for the new line, I absolutely love KittyCats! and enjoy the breeding process. It is very hard not to love these little cuties. ;-) I also write a blog as two of my cats along with Abbey Lucian who also writes as one of her cats. Just a little fun blog. If you would like to visit sometime, here is the link:

If you visit, hope you enjoy it!

HI! It's 1 year now since i am with kittycats! My first kitty was just about wen the snowballs apeared!
You are all welcome to see my inworld place with my creations and my kittycats as well here:
or visit my marketplace here:

I make SCULPTS, MESHES AND TEXTURES for others to use in their builds. Everything from simple seamless textures up to rigged mesh clothing!
I apreciate sculpts stll because without them our kittys wouldn't have such awesome tails and ears.
Also one sculpt is 1 prim no matter the size so i made this set of icycless that can be used on any size build without worry for the land impact!

[Image: icycles_copy.jpg?1356223801]

a popular and cheap item is this one that can be used as a live cat stand and display but can be used for other stuff too, just 1 prim!

[Image: stand.jpg?1340653920]

Being muslim in both sl and rl, my highly original set of modest clohing i am proud to prezent the following 3 items, all ful perm for your creations, rigged meshes:

[Image: keffiyeh_mesh.jpg?1362906700]

[Image: abaya_ad_V1.jpg?1377043348]

[Image: meshhijab1.jpg?1352930680]

here is a sample of my textures too

[Image: dark_roses_ad_512.jpg?1348445111]

[Image: sequins2ad.jpg?1377805894]

direct link to my marketplace freebie:

You are welcome to visit my marketplace and inworld store to get my freebies and dollarbies from there too!

(kittycats as well here)
or visit my marketplace here:

TheDreaming Button !
[attachment=1767][attachment=1764][attachment=1765][attachment=1766]Hey all, I've been breeding kittycats for about a lil over 4 months my kitties Smile I have 2 shops with my hubby located at the mall outside our club. One is our kittycats shop where u can find a few of my kittens for sale, other is where i sell the furniture I make, also some art. this is where u can find our shops and we are listed on the secondary market. and here's a link to my marketplace,

attached is a few examples of my work, i plan to add the kitty stuff to my shop soon, if i haven't yet and u are interested, by all means IM me inworld.
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