Hi all.
Looking a nice male KC at 100% love for breeding with my female (Fur: Burmese - Blue. / Eyes: Azure (Shape: Curious Pupil: Big).
Any gentle breeder would like help me?. Thanks.
I see... 32 visitors, many visitors, but none of them seem interested in helping.
Perhaps, for the big breeders such aid will look stupid.
(11-12-2012 09:02 AM)Rubby Landar Wrote: [ -> ]I see... 32 visitors, many visitors, but none of them seem interested in helping.
Perhaps, for the big breeders such aid will look stupid.
No it is not stupid, just most breeders have breeding plans for the kitties and they don't usually have single males or females, if they had I'm sure they would help.
I suggest you check the Love shacks in different markets, you will find many 100% love kitties there.