Hi, I was wondering what is the highest number of traits cat you can get?
Also the diff categories the traits are. so far i have these:
- fur
- eye color
- eye shape
- small pupil
- white whiskers
- mysterious whisker shape.
I was wondering if there is more than this for the categories of traits?
The counting of traits is a little confusing. Still trying to figure this out.
Hi Margaret

"KittyCats Traits", a google doc created by Liriel Garnet and Nynaeve Wirefly. The first tab (starter traits) shows which traits you can find showing in starters and how to count traits.
Traits shown by starters aren't usually counted as "traits" but I don't know what else to call them.
Yes I struggle with that as well because we can't call them all genesis - or non genesis traits.
For example the curious eye shape counts for people who want an eyeshape trait as a no trait while the same term curious for ears and tail is a non genesis trait.
So yes, what to call those traits which are sort of a genesis and therefore don't count for a trait we frequently desire.
I would love an abnormal shade btw the oposit of normal

(10-26-2012 02:20 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I struggle with that as well because we can't call them all genesis - or non genesis traits.
Maybe they should be called features. Little kitty features. Then the genesis can be common and everything else can be categorized into something like breed features or fruit features. Then of course the rare or rarer features.
Just my 2 cents.
(10-26-2012 04:58 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe they should be called features. Little kitty features. Then the genesis can be common and everything else can be categorized into something like breed features or fruit features. Then of course the rare or rarer features.
Just my 2 cents.
I agree that sounds right

Please not "fruit" features -kitties will have to play only with non-fruit eating species
My problem with the terms might be a tad different from yours Kay ,I think, at least partly. I don't know what to call all the genesis traits because when you count traits they're not counted. So they're not traits. It's not "sort of" genesis, it's genesis I struggle with. If they're not traits, what are they? (features, ok, but that's not in the everyday kitty jargon; it's not as official as traits is for the other non-genesis things). I would very much like an official term to refer to them so that we're all on the same page and it's easier to explain to new breeders/kitty owners/etc how to count traits.
I just tend to call them "genesis traits".
Quote:Main Entry: trait ?[treyt; Brit. also trey] Show IPA
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: characteristic
Synonyms: affection, attribute, birthmark, cast, character, custom, denominator, feature, habit, idiosyncrasy, lineament, manner, mannerism, mark, nature of the beast, oddity, peculiarity, point, property, quality, quirk, savor, thing*, trick, virtue
Maybe the starters have 'habit' and the traitors have 'character'.
Maybe the starters have 'birthmark' and the traitors have 'idiosyncrasy'.
Maybe the starters have 'mark' and the traitors have 'nature of the beast'.
I personally like the starters are marked and the little guys with the fun stuff have idiosyncrasy or just refer to them in there birthday suits and now they have some character.
Thesauri don't list synonyms in the same way as synonyms dictionaries do. Often what's listed needs to be checked against the definition of each term to confirm they're synonyms in the same context. It makes for some fun pairs though

Let's just not put the heads of kitties with non genesis traits on spikes for everyone to see and fear please
Nen -most of us do, but they don't count as traits or all kitties would be 9T kitties. Discourse communities develop their own jargon. All I'm asking is we develop a different word for what we refer to as "genesis traits" since they do not function as traits at all. They are traits in the sense of the dictionary definition, since they're a characteristic of the kitties, but "traits" in the KC community means something different. I'll personally start using "features" to refer to "genesis traits" I think.
Maybe i'm not quite understanding the issue here but i think creating yet another term for representing genesis traits would only lead to more confusion.
As i see it, the genesis traits are still traits but they are just the most dominant. Lets imagine for an instant we called them plurks ; the newcomer would be asking " wtf is a "plurk" ? " we'd still have to explain that these are what are referred as genesis traits.
As it stands now the only starter traits which aren't named genesis are the eye shape and size and whisker colour and shape ( and Liri and Nyna's doc is very complete and clear reading i find ), and i think if a newcomer can't get these basics into their head well they sure won't be able to handle the rest of it all.
And for the Geneses not being traits, of course they are, just that they are the most dominant, also in the case of furs and eyes there is a pecking order which is usefull for defining whether a newborn is hiding a genesis a non genesis fur or eye.
i.e. : just imagine that 7 traited box (YAAAAY !!) i get from two starters but which is showing Genesis Diamond 11 (GRRRR !!). From later breedings i find out the Coco 11 starter partner is hiding Oci Ebony or better, plus Fussy , Ody1, Blonde, Wavy etc ...( OMG !!! ) I double check the first box and the trait charts and see that as Coco is dom to Diamond, ooooooh my 7T dissapointment can only be hiding this super recessive fur as well as all the other yummies, i therefore have a mega-epic breeder on my hands with my formerly GRRRR box (WOOOOOT, FAINTS !!!!)
Well this breeder considers the Geneses as traits anyhow and tries to illustrate their function as such.