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Full Version: New collectible menagerie cat
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The tigers came out in June, and I love my tiger <3

I'm really hoping KittyCats has plans to release more collectible menagerie cats!

I would love to have a pink tiger, or a white one *hint hint* Tongue
I think they actually came out in June, mine just turned 120 a couple days ago. Smile

June is correct Smile.

And while I would want to see a new one sooner then later I'd give until 6 months or more have passed Smile.

Especially with all the collections coming out in next 3 months.
It took so long for there to be a menagerie cat I would guess it will be a while before we see another Sad
Would love to see Black Panther with glossy fur and green eyes Heart
(10-06-2012 12:37 PM)Dimpz Morane Wrote: [ -> ]Would love to see Black Panther with glossy fur and green eyes Heart

Oh great suggestion! 
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