09-19-2012, 08:28 AM
Time for another round of the Wednesday night auction with me, Karizmah Avro, and whoa these panels are looking amazing!
We have some truely wonderful cats up for auction tonight, and they were broght by some of the grids most amazing and talented breeders!
We have some truely wonderful cats up for auction tonight, and they were broght by some of the grids most amazing and talented breeders!
Tonights Cats are: (In Order)
1. Russian Blue - Gerbera Purple/ Illume/ Myst./ Myst./ White-Myst.
2. Bengel Sorell - Light Wash - Small/ Porc./ Myst. Curious/ White
3. Russian Black - Light Wash/ Boo / Ody. Boo/ 2Tone-Myst.
A. Balinese Lilac - Ody. Sorbet Full/ Illume/ Boo Boo/ Myst./ White-Myst. (9T)
4. Balinese Lilac - Ody Rainbow/ Glitter/ Frisky/ Myst./ White
5. Siamese Choco - Platinum Full/ Illume/ Frisky/ Myst./ White-Myst. (9T)
6. Balinese Seal - Ody Carn Myst./ Myst./ Curious/ White
B. Balinese Flame - Grass Full/ 2Tone-Plush
7. Russian Blue - Wild Cherry Full/ Porc./ Frisky/ Rounded/ White-Myst. (9T)
8. Burm. Champ. - Ody Fire & Rain/ Twinkle/ Frisky/ Rounded/ White-Myst.
9. Balinese Chocolate - Wild Cherry/ Twinkle/ 2Tone-Myst.
C. Bengal Tawny - Myst. Ear
Come take a look at all these amazing cats, make up your must have list, and then join us tonight at 6PMslt for what is sure to be an awsome time.
I look forward to seeing each and every one of your lovely pixel faces tonight!
Raffle Cat:
? Little Boy Blue
Fur: Ocicat - Blue
Eyes: Key Lime (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Guitar)