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Full Version: New Interact Option: Shoulder Drape
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One of the things I liked about KC kittens was that you could carry them on your shoulder. When they turn into adults, you end up losing this option. Based on one of the hug options from the AIF pets, I think a shoulder drap option would be fun to have for adult cats, while keeping your hands free for anything else (and they won't be hanging on for dear life when you're doing active things, like dancing xD). While on your shoulder, they could look around curiously, lick their paw/shoulder, or lower their head if they fall asleep.

This would add two options to the interact menu, or just add back the shoulder option the kittens had (whichever would fit in the menu best):
Drape L & Drape R
Drape Left & Drape Right
Shoulder L & Shoulder R
Shoulder Left & Shoulder Right

I've attached a couple examples using my AIF Yorkie pair:

Awww yes totally!
Like a boa that is such a fashion statement as well for the winter I <3 that!
Especially if they look cheecky every so often as with the hold pose.
Love this idea!
Great idea, Elsa ! Heart
Ohh that would be so cute I wonder if you could edit the newest hold pose to be there.
(08-27-2012 02:15 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ]Ohh that would be so cute I wonder if you could edit the newest hold pose to be there.
That would be so awesome!
I go try that Smile
That would be so cute!
[Image: 7875706910_d993a1079c.jpg]

Eurm sanura,... I think this wasn't quite as fashionable as I pictured it LOL
(08-27-2012 03:32 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 7875706910_d993a1079c.jpg]

Eurm sanura,... I think this wasn't quite as fashionable as I pictured it LOL

*giggle snorts*
Hm.. going by the screenshot we could have a head drape too? Tongue
I'll put my vote in for shoulder drapping (or scarf kitties) as well! I think that would be super cute!
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