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Full Version: Strange graphic glitch on Tawny images
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[Image: strangecatbox.jpg]
By sisch at 2012-08-22

This happens exclusively to all my Ocicat Tawny boxes as soon as I hit "image"!
All other boxes show up perfectly normal. Help??
Wow that IS strange Sisch. Do other people see the image corrupted also ?
hmm I don't think I've set any oci tawny boxes on image recently...I'll keep an eye out for it.
Try clearing cashe and relogging I get this from time to time on random boxes and cats and it fixes it.
I see some rainbow images sometimes, clearing cache fixes it like Sanura said, it is SL glitch.
Oh thanks Sanura and Sara, yes, clearing cache worked! :-)
mmm.. must be an SL glitch.. I do not have the problem at all..
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