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Full Version: Breeding food
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I managed to send a supply of food until in the weekend for them and in the weekend my friend will log in as my and i will guide him on how to take them out of the cattery so they can eat, because i still have the foodsupply in my inventory.
i had to bring all my graphics to low to stay long enough with out freezing or crashing tbe able to take out the dock and send the KD. i must say i learned my lesson to always keep some food in the cattery for emergency 8)
Man , i got attached to my first set of kitties i doubt i will give them away when they get older and cant breed no more, they are recognized by wearing tops and hats
Lol like they were real ones
Again thx a lot for the help and patience..really! Smile
You could try out Metabolt, Zivaah.
(08-15-2012 01:28 PM)zivaah Resident Wrote: [ -> ]thx all its , het is goed om te horen dat er zoveel nederlanders hier zijn. Smile
btw should be called crapgast..not working for me at all.
i'll go through the third party list and see which one might give me at least 5 min on
but thanks a lot for the help

There is a text viewer called metabolt (download at on the SL approved list. it gives you the ability to do as KittyCats suggested and interact with inworld items. If the other isn't working, perhaps that will work better.

I just double-checked my own Metabolt installation with an alt -- for steps 6 and 7, you will click on tools at the top and then select 'Object Manager'. that brings up a list of objects in your area, you select the dock from the list and use 'touch/click' from there. You can even use this to interact with live cat menu's, i just tested that as well.

Hope that helps!
o0o thx i wil try that!
Great that it is all worked out!
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