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Full Version: New Jade Eyes Siamese Flame Bali OS @ Too Adorable on Panel A Weds 8/22
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[Image: 7786511624_64c228fc3b.jpg]
Updating Photo w/o Myst Ears*

Meet Jade Eyed Siamese Flame w/ Bali Seal dad while sporting the new and possibly most recessive eyes on the grid, Jade. 

He'll be on auction on Panel A at 10am SLT Wednesday at Sanura Snowpaw's auction at Too Adorable. Low Opening Bid.

Fur: Siamese - Flame
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Guitar)

MOM: Helen Katter
Fur: Siamese - Flame
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Curious)

DAD: Jadite
Fur: Balinese - Seal Lynx
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)

He's hiding a variety of traits, which include:
Balinese Seal Lynx fur
Possibly small pupil
Curious Whiskers

He would like a new loving home and someone to make awesome kittens with!
Love these !!!!
= bump =
Sooo pretty!
auctioning Siamese Flame with Jade Eyes, for LOW opening bid.
Ohw wow!
Are these Jade eyes more recessive than kaleidoscope?
I noticed you mention they are perhaps most recessive.
I absolutely adore this siam as I am such a flame lover and these eyes with that fur is just absolutely stunning!
(08-23-2012 10:53 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Are these Jade eyes more recessive than kaleidoscope?
I noticed you mention they are perhaps most recessive.
I absolutely adore this siam as I am such a flame lover and these eyes with that fur is just absolutely stunning!

They are more recessive then the Ody Kaleidoscopic the only eye they are untested against is the Ody Sublime. Saga has posted it on the charts as well.
Ohw how interesting!
Very cool also Smile
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